Requests+ story
07.07.2020 17:01
Linkwdym story
07.07.2020 17:01
LinkI'm gonna write down a story/ storys about stuff that happened to me
07.07.2020 17:02
Oh so I was waiting for my zoom meeting for scouts to start so I was like, hmm, I winder if there are any websites for animation, cuz I started wanting to get into animation, so yea, I found it and the next day I just asked my Mom, hey can I make an account for this animation website, and I thought she'd ask me for the name of the website and think about it, but she was in a rush and just said yes, so yea. Essentially, I was bored waiting
K so today I met my friend in this park place, but for some reason our Moms+ brothers/ sisters came so they kept following us, so we were trynna talk about shipping our ocs, and then his 5 year old brother just came up, and his exact words were:
Patrick! (Sounded more like Patritch) You can never escape the demon!
Also he spilled coke, so I was like, hey you should probably put the lid back on, cuz I don't want coke all over me again?
So he went
No Patritch I won't spill my co- he spills the coke.
Also one time me and my friend were talking so he grabbed my arm and went
Patrich, you have to murder yourself! Also last year he bit me and chased me with a baseball bat. Yea
Huh, when my sister gets in my face I normally just push her out of the way. Also my Mom dosent normally stop me and my sister fighting. It's normally my dog. She barks and I stop cuz I don't wanna make my dog sad. Also once my sister cried cuz she got wet in a water fight. And once cuz I was in the toilet. And she also gets out of bed to go downstairs and asked to get tucked in to bed. She also never knocks on my door before she comes in. 2 days ago I was nearly caught being on here late cuz of it
Yea I get in trouble for basically everything. In school: Bump into your friend? Nope, you can't do art, you have to do maths (this actually happened)
Also I get in trouble when I punch my sister after she punches me. She has a mindset like, ha! I'm a girl so you can't punch me, but I can interuppt your privacy and punch you constantly! YOU CAN DO NOTHING!
One time she kicked me in between my legs. And according to her, I couldn't to anything, I still did tho XD
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