Cricket and Blue
The Spooky Stories Campfire!
dancer leap (better)
pokemon sun moon
The Secret of Shade 5
"You saved me."
18.02.2023 17:56
18.02.2023 17:56
Linkreposted sense i wanted to ujust or how ever you spell it the background and outline.
18.02.2023 17:57
LinkBonnie (the dude the the left) had his kid (D.b) missing for a while due to Sunspot. to make a very long story short, he goes missing himself from Nijia (one of sunspots workers/friends but he doesn't know that) so he can spill information on one of his friends/workers;mark . and before this McCain (dude on the right) and Bonnie got into a fight so bonnie didn't think he'd come for him. and so on and so forth. i WAS going to have the title as "i thought you werent going to come" but at least one of you were going to take that out of context.