The good die young - Thornstem


19.12.2021 18:39
LinkQuailpaw was led by Thornstem past decaying trees and ragged cats letting out hisses. An eerie red mist covered the ground, Quailpaw looked at Thornstem but she didn’t seem bothered by this. ‘She’s been here before’ He thought. They were joined by a ragged black and white tom that Quailpaw was sure he’d seen before and a small apprentice. Frostpaw. The windclan she-cat looked at him with confused eyes. Her expression clearly said “Why are we here?” But neither of them were brave enough to ask.
Finally they reached a small island surrounded by thick black water. A huge rock sat in the middle surrounded by smaller rocks. Joker and Frostpaw stayed back and Thornstem led Quailpaw onto the island. Sitting upon the rock were four cats, a huge spotted white tom covered in scars. Another spotted white she-cat, a black and what she-cat with calculating purple eyes. And a dark spirit who hung back from the rest. Her eyes pierced Quailpaw.
“Quailpaw, do you know why you’re here?” The black and white she-cat asked.

19.12.2021 18:39
Link“How do you know my name?” Quailpaw trembled.
“No need to be scared,” Thornstem nudged him, “We’re here to help, remember? Now answer the question.”
“N-no.” Quailpaw looked up at the cats on the rock.
“Thornstem, do you know why we have brought you two here.” The dark spirit she-cat asked.
“No. Why” Thornstem narrowed her eyes.
“Because you failed.” A ginger and white she-cat spat.
“Settle down Piperclaw.” The ginger and white tom spoke calmly, “Let’s give Thornstem a chance to speak for herself.”
“How have I failed. I did everything you asked! I trained Quailpaw to be a loyal warrior.” Thornstem lashed her tail.
“Loyal to whom?” The dark spirit hissed, “To Thunderclan or to us.”
“I’m loyal to Thunderclan and only thunderclan!” Quailpaw squeaked.
“He needs more training, Tempest.” Thornstem growled.
“We’ve given you more than enough time.” The black and white she-cat hissed, “Dispose of him or we’ll kill you both.”

19.12.2021 18:40
LinkQuailpaw’s blood ran cold. Thornstem turned to look at him. Then glared defiantly up at the cats on the rock. “I will not kill him. He’s my brother!”
“Decide where your loyalty lies. To us, or to your kin who abandoned you.” Tempest growled.
“It’s your fault that they cast me out” Thornstem snarled, “You poisoned the shrew and killed my sister Fawnstripe, and made it look like it was me! They exiled me because of you.”
‘Please deny it.’ Quailpaw begged silently, ‘Please don’t let Thornstem be tied up with these evil cats.’
To Quailpaw’s dismay, Tempest didn’t even try to lie, instead, She chuckled and purred “Of course I poisoned the shrew. Fawnstripe was going to get you to stay, so I had to get rid of her. Then Beesong was a problem so I killed Brokenwave to divide you two. I fed your anger until all you wanted to do was kill Beesong, your own littermate. I led Bramblestem to the Thunderpath where he died so you could be named after him. So you could feel used by your clanmates when really,-

19.12.2021 18:40
LinkIt was me using you."

19.12.2021 18:41
Link“But- what?” Thornstem seemed shocked to even speak.
“Oh no. I didn’t realize you were this thick.” Tempest laughed, “I didn’t pick you because you were a good fighter, I picked you because you were naive and ambitious and incredibly stupid!”
Thornstem unsheathed her claws and let out a yowl of rage. She leaped towards the rock but was cut off by other cats. Piperclaw dug her claws into Thornstem’s back legs and heaved her away from the rock. A White and grey she-cat batted her flank. Quailpaw rushed into help but was pinned by the ginger and white tom. “Finish her Brightstar.” He growled.
The smaller ginger and white she-cat leaped off the rock and landed right on Thornstem’s back sinking her teeth into the back of her neck. Thornstem tried desperately to fling her off but Brightstar was bigger and stronger than her. Thornstem wriggled out from beneath Brightstar and charged towards Quailpaw and his attacker. She tackled the tom off and yowled at Quailpaw, “Run! I’ll hold them off!”
“They’ll kill you!”

19.12.2021 18:41
Link“Just run! Wake up! And tell Beesong and my parents that I’m sorry” Thornstem yowled and raked her claws across the tom’s face. He reared up and slammed down on her. He sank his teeth into her scruff and threw her into the black water. Moments passed with every cat staring intently at the water. Quailpaw knew he should leave, but he couldn’t bare to leave Thornstem to die. Finally some cat gasped and pointed at the edge of the other side of the water. Thornstem’s body was pushed onto the land, just barely out of the water but not moving. Finally she vanished.
Quailpaw gasped and woke up. ‘Please be a bad dream’ He thought, he glanced over and licked his shoulder. He tasted blood. It hadn’t been a dream. Thornstem was dead. Gone, and never coming back. He walked numbly towards the medicine den where Beesong was sorting herbs.
“Oh hello Quailpaw.” She meowed, “What can I get for you?”

19.12.2021 18:41
Link“It’s Thornstem… She’s dead.” Quailpaw choked out.
“How do you know who Thornstem is?” Beesong asked.
“She trained me and brought me to the dark forest. She died saving me.” Quailpaw looked at his paws as grief pricked at his heart, “She told me to tell you and Shadowstar and Blazeclaw that she’s sorry.”
“Thank you for telling me. Please leave me to my thoughts.” Beesong meowed, looking away. Quailpaw nodded and left the den.