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Diary Entry 7
28.09.2023 07:44
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Diary Entry 7: Nothing much happen today, got to see my crush at class again hehee though it wasn't very happy like last time ":3 I guess everybody was feeling a little bit bitter today for me, but I'm not butt butt hurt so you don't have to like worry about me :P though one happy thing that happened in class for me is that I had a good conversation with my professor and like she's so sweet like she's one of those sweet grandmas who would give you like cookies and snacks even if you're not hungry like oh my god, tbh I would do anything for her lol I'm not a teacher's pet it's just oh my god sweet professors/teachers should get a raise and DUDE HER CLASS oh my god I wish I noticed it before, but the theme in her class is just like me for real, I'm not gonna say what theme it is because (1) it's complicated and I don't want some answer that could easily piss me off and (2) I like gatekeeping jk, the theme of it is hard to explain so that's why I won't elaborate, I also ate some pizza and my mom got some-
28.09.2023 07:50
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mozzarella cheese and oh my god I could make some cheesy potatoes, you know boil potatoes, skin them, mash them, add cream, salt, and cheese?? Yeee I've been craving that a lot lately and it's about time I do it, I'll probably do it on a weekend because I'm just trying to take a small wee break from cooking, speaking of cooking I need to finish that curry I have a feeling it's like almost beginning to rot and I need to finish that for real, I should eat that for breakfast tomorrow so no food that I make never goes to waste! Listen up kids, when you make something to eat, eat it before it becomes some fleshy gooey and disgusting mess that belongs in the trash!! Off topic but I kinda wanna get more cosplays, not only just for fun.. but like it would be nice to wear something casual and feeling like a cool cosplayer- I should do that more with my Miku cosplay and no not the bunny miku cosplay you dimwits, I have two miku cosplay and not gonna lie I think what a miku stan sounds like, they have miku themed SHITE
28.09.2023 07:58
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I have like 3 miku plushies, 2 miku figurines, TWO MIKU COSPLAYS??? And one miku collectible, bro I guess this is what happens when I have a vocaloid phase, you get Miku'd. Bro I did saw like the Pokemon x Miku collab and oh my god I really love all the mikus esp the bug, ground, ice, rock, and fairy. Those are my favorite mikus, if you wanna see them here: https://www.serebii.net/music/projectvoltage/ . They have all Mikus (just one type left hehe :3) I can't wait for Dragon Type Miku. . . please give Dragonite some love gamefreak or else I'm about to go into your office and steal all of your concept art and make them mine. LOL HAHA!! JKJKJK I wouldn't though oh my god I forgot that Sega has rights to Miku like jesus- the more you know ig hehe. I hope for like PJSK I want MMJ Miku to get a LIM card bc omg she's so cute and god I want to hug herrr uwee uweee ;; jk I love all the mikus, hey fun fact did you know if you draw a picture of miku, it's actually canon?? So Everything you draw about Miku is canon...
28.09.2023 08:02
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Bro I wish there's like somewhere Miku themed from where I live rn, like I have malls that have asian themed stores?? That's about it, it would be nice if there's a Miku themed cafe, I would piss my own eyes out frfr. Anyways my shoulders are tired and it's like already 1 in the morning so TLM is done writing. P.S. Note ; I bring my Miku plushie to my college campus too because oh my god it's so comforting I will like sleep, not during my classes though because that would be silly :3
28.09.2023 07:48
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Wnna be friends u seem cool
28.09.2023 08:03
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ah sure?? Sorry don't really get these types of messages-
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