K.Rool:hey Ridley
Ridley:what do you want
K.Rool:guess what I got two tickets for a deluxe cruise line and Shane and dark pit or best friend so palutena will watch him wile you and me go on a real vacation
Ridley:I have gotten very relaxed ever sense you got Shane of my mind
Lucario: ....
Thunder: *happiness*
Lucario: well thunder summoned Kirby and then inhaled me lots, then summoned Corrin who beat me up, into ness who was o.p for some reason, after that uh charizard, who burned me, look my steel is scorching still
ZSS : "Go ahead. Help me then."
Mewtwo : "I can help you with that." -Mewtwo drags water from Corrin's clean water bucket with Psychic and yEETS IT ALL OVER LUCARIO.-
(wait wtf zsa
this is the classic smash bros not fsb)
ZSS : "Screw this, if Ridley is there i'm not going." -She heads back in and throws DS on the couch.-
DS : "OW!"
And I know the plan was Lucario knows ZSA but the dimensions twist a bit and OOPS gave it awa-)
*the dimensions twist and they end up in final destination*
Thunder: *spits into parts* I don’t know how they made you Lucario weak dog and Mewtwo y not die? M-m-m-mewwwwwwwwwww *this causes lots of cries of Pokemon*