mmm species concept


27.04.2020 19:31

27.04.2020 19:31
Linkuh lemme type info-
no this isnt the official species its just a concept idea

27.04.2020 19:31
LinkaND iTs A cLOSeD SpEcIeS

27.04.2020 19:36
Link-the radio waves on their faces change according to their heart rate
for example if they are happy, their heart rate rises and they get more spikey waves
-the punctuation on the ear and tail change with their emotion
-the eyes on their fur can close if they are sleeping
-the animal itself has no eyes,nose, nor mouth
-their only sense is touch and hearing
-they dont eat
-the possible color combos (they all have to be neon because um. yes.) you can get are:
Red and dark blue
Green and purple
Yellow and Black
Orange and pink
-they always have floppy ears, small or big
-they have to have 2 tails not one
-the paws are always the same color as the marking on the ear
-the blood is always red. dark light medium, any. just red tho
uh thats it

27.04.2020 19:37
and they always have white eye brows
NOW. thats it B)