"Cookies are too weak! Boring-


hitorie one-me tuor

V for Vendetta

Field hunter


Staff Spin
Go to cmnts if u want :(


22.03.2021 04:01
LinkSo my bsf let’s just call her Paige (NOT HER REAL NAME) was dating a guy. I met him over ft and she hasn’t met him irl before. I started to feel like I liked him but I didn’t know fs so I didn’t say anything to Paige. It’s been ab 3 months and we’ve been talking. They broke up a while ago and I realized I actually rlly rlly like him, so I told him, being the savage I am :/ and he said he liked me back (let’s just call him Zac) Zac asked me if I wanted to date and I REALLY did! So I was like “Ok, uhm lemme check with Paige first ok?” And I asked her. She said “I think it would be weird if u guys dated” so I said “Yes idk I didn’t even rly wanna date him that much so it’s all good” when in reality I wanted to date him SUPER badly. :( I told Zac no but he has been saying “I love u” over ft when we talk and I might have been saying it back ;-; and now I rly wanna date him but me AND Paige have a crush on him and I feel bad ab it now 😞

22.03.2021 04:03
LinkAlso making smth rn :) so be on the lookout for that sometime soon :)

Heyyy,,, thats great!! Look, no matter what Paige says, I think you need to go for it! Jusr say yes and see where it takes u!.