Open species: Shisozai


28.05.2020 22:33

28.05.2020 22:33
LinkShisozais appear when a kind animal dies, they get to choose whether they want to be an angel or a shisozai. Their tails can either be a solid, liquid or gas ( solids are common, liquids are uncommon and gases are rare ) and they all have a unique power:
Commons can harden theirselves into unbreakable stone
Uncommons can melt into a puddle
Rares can turn theirselves into air so they can be invisible and fit through any tiny gaps
These powers help them to protect theirselves because their bodies are extremely weak, although they can't die their bodies can be destroyed and they will be nothing but a skull.
Animals that were important will become legendary shisozais, legendaries have a tail that can morph into anything and they can also have elemental powers, their bodies are still very weak but they are slightly stronger.
Sometimes a 'mutation' can happen to a shisozai, mutations aren't bad things and just make them different from others. Examples of mutations are if a shisozai is fused with an-

28.05.2020 22:34
Link-angel/devil or their tail is a mixture of solid + liquid, solid + gas or liquid + gas.

28.05.2020 22:35
LinkPlease ask me if you want to make one!
The Shisozais on this anim are also raffle adopts! Comment saying if you want the common, uncommon or rare one and you will be entered in the raffles for them! ( You can enter for a chance for all of them )

28.05.2020 22:37
LinkThe common ones tail is made of stone, the uncommon ones tail is made of apple juice and the rare ones tail is made of cotton candy ( i know cotton candy isn't a gas but be quiet )