dramatic friendship story
24.12.2020 15:32
Linki know its christmas eve, and you guys dont want to hear drama, but here we go.
24.12.2020 15:43
Linkso i was new to flipanim, nobody ever commented, and then one day this person commented "hey, wanna be friends" then they were like "dod are you like, somethingelseyt?" honestly i kinda got offended but, i couldnt break up as a friend ALREADY otherwise i would have no friends. so me, being the drama queen i am, decided to offend him back, making an animation say "IM NOT SOMETHINGELSEYT" which, honestly didnt do much. later on, when i was better at drawing, i friend broke up for real. (of course, being the drama queen i am.) but we got together again as friends,, and i improved on art, while he was improving on followers. now, at the time i had like, 10 followers and you cant control people, so i kinda just forced myself to do better. now this means i was rushing myelf to do animations, and i was updating, ALOT. then i had gained 7 followers within 2 weeks, which meant i had 17 followers. then, one day, i had accidentally logged off. if your wondering how, because my dumb brain just did it.
24.12.2020 15:47
Linknow, the thing was,i didnt know my password. I FORGOT MY OWN PASSWORD. and the weird thing was, he moved on quickly, which, i came to DEPRESSION. i had lost a good friend. he moved on so quickly i came to the conclusion: maybe he wanted to be friends, but he regretted it. i started to think he hated me. in fact, when his other friend came back, HE WAS SO EXITED. when i came back, he couldnt care less.
24.12.2020 15:52
Linki really got jealous. se is really nice, but still, i got jealous. i would hide the jealousy. still, i am. i couldnt help but sob a little bit at night. heck, i would even cry myself to sleep! i means, were still friends, but he doesnt even care about our friendship anymore.
and thats it (for now at least)
and please dont comment on this chain
24.12.2020 16:00
Linkand can i just say, thank you guys for getting me more followers than my old account.
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28.12.2020 08:05