real quick i wanna vent
01.03.2021 22:03
Linknothing big its just scary
ok this happens like, once around every 3 months i guess? but it happened last night and its scary. i get really paranoid and i cant have any empty space behind me so i cram against the corner. its always at night and then i get worried that somebody is in my house even though i know its just me and my family. ill worry that my closets gonna open and boom some zombie is gonna rip my cat in two and drink its blood. ill shake like a smoothie and sweat more than i do whenever i exercise. i grab a pillow and cover everything from my head to my toes with it, including the pillow. its not like that'll help me survive a murderer breaking in, but i have to! i feel like someone is somewhere, but i cant see where, but they can see me. every other night is chill except for the whole "im just gonna sit still for an hour before sleeping" insomnia part.