[liana] wind study

For a contest


wourms are the hardest enemy

New oc :) (name ideas please!)

Ice Bear

Great Big World
boy oh boy, disliking people


11.11.2020 19:59
Linkso yes, if you are on this list dont ****ing talk to me, cause uh, i don liek you
and also if i copied you sam, i felt the need to state the users i dislike too-))

11.11.2020 20:04
Link1. @Lemonqueen4
Oh. My. ****ing. God. where do I start..
This child makes me incredibly uncomfortable and mad.
This person had their character shipped with mine, and she repeatedly tried to have a sexual roleplay with me using that character who is infact asexual. had a literal PORN FOLDER OF MY CHARACTER. TRIED TO STEAL MY GODDAMNED CHARACTER. and when i had announced my character was in a canon relationship with my other character SHE HAD HER CHARACTER MOLLEST MINE.
she had stolen many characters from people and shows. acts like everything she does is other peoples fault. deletes shit when people call her out. ****ing lies about mental illness and her age.

11.11.2020 20:09
Link2. LittleTinyPotato
So i had been doing my daily stroll around flipanim and came across this user. I at first didnt like them because they made sexual posts and not even marking them 18+, speed dates, fakes mental illness, treats every situation like a roleplay
and they straight up decided that they are transgender right after they had been rejected by one of their 236435437356436357354365437524765347533846946948764976487487 crushes.
not to mention whenever someone calls them out they just sent their friends after that someone like an immature pleb.

11.11.2020 20:16
Link3, nightwolfkaia
I dont really hate hate this user they just get on my nerves-
so about a few weeks ago I made a post asking "Are my characters good for my age" and i was simply asking if they are fine or not, and if they aren' why
this person just straight up said "All 13 year olds have super edgy and cringy characters so you fit right in" now i mind you i was in one of my moods and this comment got me steamed up so of course i said some things i normally wouldn't, and they were sitting here just like "i was only stating my OPINION YOU COMPLIMENT SEEKING BRAT!!!1!!!!!1!"
i then made a rant about people giving crappy criticsm and this person... of my ****ing GOD this person straight up went to my post saying "not everything goes your way hun" right after they wrote a nasty ass rant about me specifically. then they straight up agreed that I was "****ing stupid"
so anyway I got into an argument with them. made a fairly decent point then they deleted all of my comments except for the ones making m

11.11.2020 20:25
Link4, SketchyOtaku
(once again I dont really hate, they just make me uncomfy and a little angy. now we were friends and still might be? idk)
So I'm not really tryna be mean here but.. sometimes they just make me shrivel up and cringe
So apparently they had shown videos of animal abuse to a child. Apparently makes fake vents. by the looks of it they also seem to be a speed dater, I'm not sure but,, eh
and they also just randomly made a post called "I feel like a boy" so I dont know what that was about. and they had made death threats to children
anyways sketchy I dont really hate you just. please work on trying to maintain your anger, dont show people inappropriate stuff and work on your art a bit

11.11.2020 21:09
LinkNow how do you get me to the point i put you on this list you ask?
well several ways actually
1, you betray my trust in anyway that will lead to an instant i dont like you
2, you are unnecessarily *****y to me for seemingly no reason
3, you use my characters in anyway if im not close to you/or didnt give you permission or straight up stole them
4, you make me incredibly uncomfortable, like using "owo" or "uwu" even after i say do not use those around me. you do that "gacha heat" bullshit. or you bring up your personal problems to me out of the blues or on an irreverent post/comment of mine(now i do want to help people, and you can always ask to talk to me so dont worry)
5, if you interrupt a roleplay. oh my ****ing god just- dont
6, if you fake any serious issues for attention i will ****ing hate you, there is no excuse for that shit now go die in a hole if you even attempt to fake mental illness or really anything

really now?
Haha funny thing is you did not really change shit, not to mention thanks to you now one of my favorite characters has been given a bad name because of the perverted shit you did. You don't stop and I highly doubtful you will. You lie. You steal characters. And no matter how many times I ask you to leave me alone you wont. I gave you so many ****ing chances and you blew each one. I have gotten to the point I'm done and that's final.
Now if you'll kindly never talk to me again that would be wonderful :)