Happy day of spook
fairy gone
Just looking
be my valentine?
The Flower I Gave to Her
just testing
w e l l
I like trains
04.11.2021 03:13
04.11.2021 03:14
Linkno, i still don't wanna talk to you.
04.11.2021 03:18
Linkwait why
04.11.2021 03:25
Link":insert funny dad joke:" first off i was venting
and shit like "honestly, tbh, ngl, idk, irl" piss me off i wanted a real answer not whatever the fck that was. i was asking an opinion on me and my art. just giving me things like "e" when i wanna talk to people makes me think you don't actually wanna talk and if thats true just don't fcking comment so yes, rn i don't wanna talk to you bc you have been making me feel like shit.
04.11.2021 03:27
Linkok, but i dont get the first one
04.11.2021 03:29
Linkare you fcking daff? i was venting my emotions, doing that made me feel like you were making fun of me for feeling human. you don't do that to people.
04.11.2021 03:32
Linki dont get how saying your hips hurt is a vent, and i wasn’t trying to make fun of you, i was gonna say a joke but i kept to myself jeez
04.11.2021 03:35
Linkthe vent wasn't about my hips, you didn't even look at the anim did you?