I have some news.
22.08.2018 11:15
Here it gose.
I love you all so much. I love the support and everything I’ve done on here with you guys, and how many friendships we’ve made and memory’s but..I think it’s time thst I..leave...
No not FA! Sure I won’t be on much untill I get a new laptop but I’m not leaving for good, and I’ll still check in and stuff.
Anyways, the big news is that I’m gonna make a new account! Go follow it and stuff, it’s gonna be a lot of fun. Now I can’t reallt draw on my iPhone because I don’t have a sylist, but still! I’ll be there and I’m following a few people on the spot but then I’m gonna wait for you to do it. I’ll be in this account for the rest of the week.
22.08.2018 11:32
LinkWhat’s the new account called?
22.08.2018 11:38
LinkI haven’t made it yet. And also
It’s been so long I missed you dopeaz!!