...kurofai plushies.. again...
11.07.2024 08:39
Linkhehehe i hope someone notices what i did here (its obvious.)
11.07.2024 08:39
Linki pinky winky promise ill finish the other drawig ijust made this for fun..
11.07.2024 08:39
Linksniffle. i want the plushies so bad. ill never have them.. sigh..
11.07.2024 08:41
Linkat least i can draw them doing the CUTE things id make them do if i had them in REAL LIFE!!!
11.07.2024 08:42
Linkifi ever get them the first thign ill do is make them KISS.... obviously. (theyreso in love i hate you clamp make them KISS ALREADY)
11.07.2024 08:58
Linkhehehee i wanna listen to horitsuba again its so awesome. or the other trc drama cd. its also awesome i love kurogane hes so slow genuinely like in horitsuba theres that part where they do the riddle and like 10 minutes pass by and hes still like mumbling to himself about it HES SO SLOW. also. theres that other scene in horitsuba where fai immitates kuroganes voice and hes like heh its based off of SOME MEAN GUY i know. and kuroganes just sitting thre and hes like midnign his own business and yuukos like. umm. hes. um. tlaking about you. and he still dont getit. and also hes a bad actor when he was doing the play that one time. i love you. and speaking of plays IN HORITSUBA HEWAS THE JULIET AND FAI AS ROMEO so romantic oh and theyrenot canon i might just.... die... why.... i love kurogane hes the best character but eveyrone needs to STOP BULLYING HIM HE DIDNT DO NOTHING. HE NEVER DOES!!!! alsoi like when they draw him a thought bubble with the most random thing in it when hes supposed to be paying attention
11.07.2024 08:58
Linkhes so STUPID hes the BEST!