Phsyklops'are back-


18.10.2019 00:18
LinkGuess what's an semi-open species again!
Please read the rules and ask for my permission to make one!
Males: Thick neck fur, meaty and really strong. They can be aggressive or mysterious, hard to meet an optimistic male. Bigger then females.
Females: No neck fur, slim and extremely agile. They can be snooty to sweet/mysterious. Smaller then males.
Tundra Males: Extreme thick neck fur, has tufts of fur covering the feet, like boots kinda. Usually white or light blue, some patterns. They're sweet, but overprotective of their mates.
Tundra Females: THEY HAVE NECK FUR!! Not a lot, so don't ****ing go overboard. They're aggressive and only slightly smaller then tundra males. Also only white/light blue.

18.10.2019 00:20
LinkSometimes the Tundra's fur gets so cold, the snow doesn't melt on it and it could form icicles after getting water from a pond.

18.10.2019 00:20
LinkI almost forgot-
Spades have me the ideas of females w/ neck fur in colder areas so like
Boom tundras

18.10.2019 00:24
LinkAlso Tundra's have lonk legs cause they gotta track through snow