Chapter 1: The Discovery


08.04.2020 14:11
Link “Take this to the third floor fifth room”, said Craige, my boss. It's always “take this to here” or “take that to there ''. Once he even told me to get him a taco from Taco Bell.
I go with the box (and a small mental groan) to the elevator. When I get there I meet Derek, one of my co-workers, waiting for the elevator and asks me this, “ Going to the third floor fifth room?”. I nearly dropped my box in surprise as we walked into the elevator, “H-h-how?”. He looks at me with a face that said “Really?”. I guess I should have kept my mouth shut because more often than not he knows things before anyone else.
“Seen anyone in the elevator lately?”, he asked me. “No I actually haven't seen anyone,” I replied warily, not exactly where this was going. “Just wait till you get there, you’ll see.” he said.
As I walk out I’m slightly nervous about what I might see. Aliens? Monsters? Robots?

08.04.2020 14:11
Link Who knows, I just hope it isn't as bad as I’m thinking. As I walk down the hall I look at the room numbers. 1,2,3,4,5, here it is. As I look at the door something doesn’t seem right. The door is brown, not the normal gray. Right before I push open the door it opens for me. Even weirder, automatic doors. Not normal either.
I walk into the room and immediately it's silent. Everyone is moving awkwardly and is absolutely silent. Literally, I feel like the only human in the room. Something told me that almost everyone that worked here was here in this room.
As I look around the room I notice that the walls are the exact same shade of brown as the door, not the normal gray. I can't help but stare at everyone acting like it's perfectly normal. I find a guy taking boxes and ask him what's going on. No answer. He just takes my box without a word. How strange. How in the world am I supposed to get an answer from this guy? Then I had an idea.

08.04.2020 14:12
LinkAs I waited outside the door I was slightly nervous and starting doubting my plan. Ding! I straightened up and acted serious. John walks out with his box, walks down the hall, and sees me and walks over. “I’ll take it from here.”, I say as I step in front of the door. He hands me the box and I walk back in.
I hand him the box, but this time I won't let go. He tugs at the bow and I hold steady. I guess going to the gym with my parents actually became useful. He tugs so hard I decide to let go. He flies backwards and the contents of the box reveal themself.
Body parts, body parts everywhere. Or should I say MECHANICAL body parts.

08.04.2020 14:15
LinkSHOUT OUT TO Taboo-Lagoon For inspiring me to do this