The Return Chapter 11


08.04.2020 13:39
Link~~CHAPTER 11: HOME~~

08.04.2020 13:39
Link"Tom? Hey, Tom, it's time to get up, buddy." Tord gently shakes Tom's shoulder, attempting for the fifth time to get him up.
"Hhhh stop~ I'm tired." He mumbled. Tord smiled as an idea popped into his head. He sighed dramatically.
"Fine, I guess I'll just have to go get Susan." He began to walk to the door.
"NO!" Tom jumped up to tackle Tord, but got caught in the sheets and simply fell over with a thud. Tord, surprised, turned around. Seeing Tom in such a situation made him chuckle.
"What are you laughing at?" Tom spat, grumbling as he tried to free himself.
"You look like an angry butterfly trying to free itself from its chrysalis." Tord pointed out.

08.04.2020 13:40
Link"Yeah, yeah, just help." Tom mumbled, blushing slightly. Tord gave another soft chuckle before walking to his side and beginning to unwrap him. It only took a few twists and turns before Tord freed Tom from the grasp of sheets.
"Alright butterfly boy, let's go. It's almost lunchtime." Tord said, walking to the door.
"Butterfly boy?" Tom mumbled to himself quietly as he got up. The two of them walked downstairs and greeted Edd and Matt, who were making sandwiches for lunch.
"Hey, Tom, you'll never guess what Tord fou-!" Tord clasped his hand over the ginger's mouth.

08.04.2020 13:40
Link"Eheh, not the time, Matt." Tord said with a glance at Tom. Tom raised an eyebrow, confused, but didn't question his Norwegian friend.
They all sat down and ate, mumbling their dreams here and there. Tord laughed at an idea he had, and whispered in Matt's ear. Matt nodded and the two of them ran upstairs.
"Hey, where are you two-?" Tom looked at them, but decided better than to ask. Tom helped Edd do the dishes while they waited for Matt and Tord to return.
"So, how'd you sleep last night? I heard Tord couldn't get you to wake up." Edd chuckled while drying a plate.

08.04.2020 13:40
Link"Yeah, I was a little tired." Tom said with a smile. "But it wasn't too bad."
"So you like sleeping in his bed then?" Edd teased.
"Minus the sheets, yes."
"What's wrong with the sheets?" Edd asked with an interested glint in his eyes. Tom chuckled, but before he could respond, Matt ran downstairs with Tord. Tom turned around and was greeted by the two of them, Tord wearing Matt's set of ginger cat ears.
"Tord, what the-?" Tom tilted his head.
"Tom- I'm a com-meow-nest!" Tord laughed.
"That's a good one." Edd started to laugh. Matt was knelt over, trying not to fall as he laughed.

08.04.2020 13:40
Link"You guys-" Tom looked at all of them, amused. Tord took off the ears and tried to put them on Tom. Tom, in response, backed away.
"Aw, don't be such a pussy." Tord began to laugh again, and the three of them rolled with laughter, Tom somehow keeping a straight face.
"Oh, paw-lease, you are not going to get those on me." Tom said with a ghost of a smile. Matt fell over, still laughing, tears in his eyes.
"Please stop! It hurts!" Edd said, beating the ground with his fists.
"Aw, you have cat to be kitten me, you'd look so adorable in them though!" Tord said, trying not to laugh.

08.04.2020 13:41
Link"You're purr-suasion isn't very effective." Tom winked.
"Just once? Paw-lease?"
"I'm paw-sitive that those will not go on my head ever."
"I think you're just trying to pro-cat-stinate on those dishes." Tord said, pointing to the singular spoon in the sink. At this point, Edd and Matt were crying and red-faced, hardly able to breath. It took them all a few moments to compose themselves, but they eventually pulled it together.

08.04.2020 13:41
Link"Oh~ that was great." Edd said with a smile, wiping his eye. Tord chuckled, looking to Matt with a nod. Matt jumped up and down excitedly before running upstairs.
"What was that about?" Tom asked, looking between Edd and Tord, who were smiling.
"Nothing." Edd said.
"Am I missing something?" Tom looked around.
"No." Tord answered. Tom gave a frustrated sigh. A few moments later, Matt ran downstairs with a box wrapped in purple shiny wrapping paper. Tom raised a brow.

08.04.2020 13:41
Tord took the box and handed it to Tom.
"Heh, I thought you'd want this." He said, rubbing the back of his neck.
"It's very... purple." Tom smirked.
"Well yeah, Matt helped. What did you expect?" Edd said.
"And it's shiny, so I could see my face the entire time!" Matt chirped. Tom laughed, unwrapping the box and pulling out Tomee bear.
"Wait- I thought this was in Matt's room?" Tom said, slightly confused.
"Oh, that's not the real one." Tord said.

08.04.2020 13:42
Link"So... this is the one you stole and supposedly burned so many years ago?" Tom asked, and Tord gave a little nod. Tom looked at the small bear. It's brown fur was still soft, and smelled of lavender and honey. He rubbed his thumb over the side of Tomee's head, a nostalgic smile dancing across his face.
"Thanks, Tord." Tom whispered, not looking away from his bear. He held it close, closing his eyes as he remembered all the adventures he had been on with the bear as a child.
"You like it?" Tord chuckled. Tom looked up, noticing that they were all staring at him. He flushed, embarrassed.
"Heh, yeah, uh... I'm just gonna go... put him- it - put it in the room." Tom said, walking upstairs and turning into Tord's room. As he set the small bear on the commie's bed, he smiled softly.
"Bet you missed me, huh? I know I missed you." Tom said, quietly talking to Tomee bear. He laid on the bed, hands behind his back as he looked at the ceiling.
"It's been awhile... A lot has happened." Tom said, sighing.

08.04.2020 13:42
Link"Tord is... well, he's a little different now." Tom looked around to make sure no one was around before continuing.
"If I'm being completely honest, he's kind of cute. I- he told me he loves me." Tom smiled, remembering that night his friend uttered the words as he fell asleep.
"Did you know he's actually really good at singing? Especially with that accent of his." He gave a sigh.
"And his hands are always so soft. Not to mention the fact that-"

08.04.2020 13:42
Link"Butterfly boy?" Tord peeked his head in. Tom sat up quickly, trying to hide his nervous blush.
"T-tord! Uh, h-how long were you standing there...?"
"The whole time." Tord smiled, making Tom flush even more.
"I- I, uh..." Tom tried to explain, but couldn't find an excuse for talking to his stuffed bear. Tord gave him a little chuckle, walking over and sitting beside him.
"You know, you're pretty cute, too." Tord whispered in his ear. Tom flushed, looking over at his friend.
"W-what? No I'm n-not!" Tom looked away as Tord smiled.

08.04.2020 13:43
Link"You don't give yourself enough credit." Tom felt Tord's hand on his chin, turning his head to face Tord again. Their eyes met, Tord still smiling. He leaned closer, and Tom felt Tord's warm lips press against his own. Tom flinched, surprised, but quickly kissed back. He closed his eyes and felt Tord's hands on his cheek. Tom grabbed the front of Tord's shirt, running his other hand through Tord's hair.
Tom shifted on the bed, laying down as Tord moved with him to hover just above.

08.04.2020 13:43
Link"Hey, are you two okay?" Edd called from downstairs. Tord broke away, opening his eyes and gazing at Tom, who looked up. A light blush dusted his face, and his eyes were wide. Tord stared a moment longer before responding to Edd.
"Yeah, we're fine!" Tord looked back to Tom. "More than fine." He added quietly.

You have the gift of writing i would like to write with you someday
if you would like i can show you a story that is tarted writing a while back but never finished

“Take this to the third floor fifth room”, said Craige, my boss. It's always “take this to here” or “take that to there ''. Once he even told me to get him a taco from Taco Bell.
I go with the box (and a small mental groan) to the elevator. When I get there I meet Derek, one of my co-workers, waiting for the elevator and asks me this, “ Going to the third floor fifth room?”. I nearly dropped my box in surprise as we walked into the elevator, “H-h-how?”. He looks at me with a face that said “Really?”. I guess I should have kept my mouth shut because more often than not he knows things before anyone else.
“Seen anyone in the elevator lately?”, he asked me. “No I actually haven't seen anyone,” I replied warily, not exactly where this was going. “Just wait till you get there, you’ll see.” he said.
As I walk out I’m slightly nervous about what I might see. Aliens? Monsters? Robots? Who knows, I just hope it isn't as bad as I’m thinking. As I walk down the hall I look at the room numbers. 1,2,3,4,5, here it

As I look around the room I notice that the walls are the exact same shade of brown as the door, not the normal gray. I can't help but stare at everyone acting like it's perfectly normal. I find a guy taking boxes and ask him what's going on. No answer. He just takes my box without a word. How strange. How in the world am I supposed to get an answer from this guy? Then I had an idea.
As I waited outside the door I was slightly nervous and starting doubting my plan. Ding! I straightened up and acted serious. John walks out with his box, walks down the hall, and sees me and walks over. “I’ll take it from here.”, I say as I step in front of the door. He hands me the box and I walk back in.

I hand him the box, but this time I won't let go. He tugs at the bow and I hold steady. I guess going to the gym with my parents actually became useful. He tugs so hard I decide to let go. He flies backwards and the contents of the box reveal themself.
Body parts, body parts everywhere. Or I should say MECHANICAL body parts.