rant UwU


17.09.2019 15:57
Linki really hate the school nurse. I was starting to throw up and went down to her. SHE DIDN'T EVEN CHECK MY ****ING TEMP TO SEE IF I HAD A FEVER! i'm so complaining about it to dad, he agrees she ****ing sucks dick i can't even with her. I WAS DRY HEAVING A FEW WEEKS AGO AND SHES LIKE. "oh you're not sick." STUPID *****. My head ****ing hurt i'm about to puke and I DONE GET LUNCH UNTIL LIKE ****ING 1:00!!!

17.09.2019 15:57
Linki really ****ing hate this school

17.09.2019 16:02
Linki would rather be in ****ing hell. NO, i already am. this is the worst school i have ever gone to and that common for a kid, that teacher lock outside at his last school and in preschool this ****ing ***** left marks on my arms.