little snow horned owl

scribble morty walk cycle

sunset lover


City of Forgotten Memories


But do you love me back? ~


19.08.2018 17:01

19.08.2018 17:01
Link? me too

Wow, stars
Giant explosions of plasma happening constantly in space but like, really ****ing far away, like reaaaaaaallllyyy far away, like holy shit insainly far away, and its so bright we can still see it from all thoes light years away, like wow, just wow
Space is ****ing crazy

Like not many people just sit down and think about space
A lot of the stars in the sky might even already be dead, but we see it's light because it's so insainly far away
And planets are crazy too, there is a planet literally made of diamonds, and another one where it rains glass
God people have told me that seeing the grand canyon is life-changing. Really?? Look up, up there there are planets where it is so hot that you would literally melt just landing there, there are multiple planets that are giant balls of gas with storms that last thousands and thousands of years, and that's just in our solar system, there are giant exploding plasma balls in the ****ing sky, and when they die they make an explosion insainly big that it would kill everything on earth billions and billions and billions and billions times over. And your looking at a big ditch in the ground