I am bringing my cat too obvs


05.05.2021 02:33
LinkSo basically A Thousand Miles, but no piano.

05.05.2021 02:34

For some reason before the pandemic my sister and I were obsessed with Darwin’s im on my way song it was a big fat inside joke for us and I clearly remember going to the pool one time and going underwater and singing that for some reason
Fun times indeed

DUDE sometimes I’d just drop them on the deep side of the pool just to catch them or accidentally lose my goggles at the beach forever I’d always struggle with goggles
AND YEAH I’d be terrified too I’m still a wimp and hate it but I’ll do it anyways though it’s fun
I was gonna say “never have a drowned someone but” and continue but then I realized this probably is
I’d always grab my sisters ankles and like tackle her down at the beach and that was fun
Ankle grabbing is the best part of being in water with someone else

Uh oh
I hate wet sand when it gets in your swimsuit it always ends up horrible
Also I miss going to hotels
Hotels are just so nice and refreshing and it’s usually on a fun trip too like just the smell of fresh hotel and the bed sheets is so nice
Hotels and staying at somebody else’s house is 10/10
It just always feels like the same nice experience
Comment removed

Hotels shall always be amazing and dude when I visited some of my parents friends house for a beach trip THERE WERE CUTE WILD KITTENS AND CATS
I got attached to one and named her Tilly and almost adopted her but she was too feral be she was a bit of an older kitten but there were these baby baby kittens and a momma cat too! That was an awesome trip