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Religious talk
16.09.2020 20:56
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Okay, first off I am indeed a Methodist Christian And I also support the LGBTQ+ Community? How? Because I've come to realize that for Christians the only thing that applies to our religion, in my eyes, is the New Testament and what Jesus teaches And quite often, Jesus will help sinners even though the Pharisees wouldn't because they sinned What Jesus teaches is to accept everyone, and try and convert them by talking with them; persuasion I don't care if someone is gay or not, I only care about their personality And I've noticed that a lot of people assume I hate gays because I'm Christian, but that is not the case I've also noticed a lot of Christians on Flipanim are getting hated on because of their beliefs for being 'homophobic' and 'transphobic' and to be honest, I hate those terms --Still typing--
16.09.2020 20:59
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If someone doesn't like gays or trans people, I'm not gonna force them to try and like it I just accept the fact it's their opinion, and as long as they don't infringe the rights of the other people or start being disrespectful or hating on them, then I see nothing wrong with it Even if I believe something else and that their opinion is wrong, I'm not going to start cussing them out I wish that other people would do this too, but it appears that most just start getting angry and being very petty In fact, my only friends are bi, but I don't hate them for it, cause they all have good personalities I try and convert people to Christianity by laying out the benefits of it, and if they don't want to, then that's their choice, I'm not going to force them to be Christian
16.09.2020 21:00
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All I'm trying to get at is stop hating on each other, and if you have a different opinion, try and be polite and civil while debating it with the other person, even if they start getting really mad, cause it's always better to be the bigger person So please, stop getting into petty fights because of each other's beliefs Everyone's different and has different mind sets, so you should try and respect that at least And that's all I have to say, have a wonderful day
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