

12.10.2018 12:12
LinkListen my bean. Please don't take offense to this.
You are good at art, your art shows that you take pride, and confidence in it.
But buddy, if you tell people that they aren't good at art, people aren't going to take a liking to you.
And instead of telling people you are 'better' give them feedback on how they can improve.
At least it would come out nicer.
And you shouldn't pick on people like me, bc I honestly don't give to craps on what people think about me at this point.
And honey, again, no offense, don't take any, you have 2 followers. If you want to get more, don't be mean, like every animation you come across and give them a comment.
That's what I did. And now I have 484 followers.
You should give it a try.
<3 nohomo
-Apple 2018

12.10.2018 20:06
Linkim sory i get jellis alot :( can yoo pleese help me be good at art

19.01.2019 06:45
Linkyoure not alone, most of us arent really good at art, especially me...