
~ Hot Chocolate ~

Request from FallenIcarus13

bullet , Max and pup

The Kerminator rules le world


Need to share something~


08.09.2019 08:41
LinkMkay, so I thought for a while I was pure Heterosexual. Actually I’m not. I had a suspicion for a while that I’m actually Demisexual. I honest.y thought it was normal to develop crushes in the way that I did. I’m not Demi-biromantic, or anything like that, just pure Demisexual. The way Demisexual works is that it’s kinda rare for you to get a crush (I’ve only had two my whole life and I’m twelve); and when you do; you only really get attached to them when they’re really close to you. There’s a few other factors, that apply to me, but those are the main points of being Demi. I thought that was normal, turns out that means you’re Demi. I’ve had that suspicion for a while, but now I’ve done my research and it’s confirmed. I’m part of LGBTQ+ I think