New open species (lemmetype)
02.05.2020 01:55
02.05.2020 02:04
LinkThese are the Neflings! They are guardians of forests and live in clans with 60 or more Neflings. There is always a leader (who Is dressed in a red cloak ALWAYS), and the rest of the clan are in differents shades of the forests colour and are named after their cloak colour (eg. One is a dark green and their name is Olive). Their cloaks can have patterns but its not very common. They usually carry a staff or scepter which they can do small amounts of magic from (gliding, helping things grow, light and other small things like that). They cannot do magic if they are stressed, angry or sad.
They form their clan around a berry bush that is the only source of food (Cintar Berry (not real)).
They call humans Stompers and protect their forest from them and anything that tries to harm the forest.
They live for a very long time and are born from the Cintar Bush at a certain time of year. When they die (old age, Stompers stepping on them, stressing too much ect.) they turn into puffs of smoke.
02.05.2020 02:05
LinkThey are an open species so anyone can make one! Pleasee credit me if you do, and if you have any questions just ask!
02.05.2020 02:07
LinkAlso once youve made yours, show me! I wanna see themmm
02.05.2020 02:15
03.05.2020 01:52
Linkdid you get the idea from a movie about ppl in a forest that call ppl stompers? just askin
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