I should just die


16.10.2020 02:01

16.10.2020 02:02
Linkdon't worry just a thought

I just, don't find things fun. you guys used to be my best friends, but now I just, don't feel like how I used to. I've been thinking about killing myself, but I don't want to leave my friends alone, then that makes me absolutely horrible

Things may seem tough now, but it will get better, I promise. It can't stay like this forever. Everything may seem pointless right now, but the future holds so many wonderful opportunities. I know that I'm just so random person on the internet who has never met you, and this probably means nothing to you, but from I can tell people care about you, I barely know you, but I care about you. Things can and will get better. If you ever wanna talk, I'm here, just wanna let you know that. Please stay safe 💖
*virtual hug*
srry this is so long