strangecat and sock poopet
Chrysophillia >Animation Meme<
You look like a snake!
My Future
most horrible channel on yt
13.05.2020 03:10
Linki saw this channel thats named ''i hate dogs'' and they stupid videos showing that dogs are bad like i respect people opinion on animals but the way they mentioned the dogs and the owners was litrly some thing a freaking sadist demon would say they called dogs and dog owners (im a dog owner) demons and brainwashed i was offended and when i looked in the comments i saw a bunch of people telling what they want to do to dogs and they want to torture them then the channel owner post videos of dog bites (ok im a christian but this made me so mad so some cussing warning) and said that dogs like to bite people AND THATS NOT FRICKIN TRUE and this stupid motherfricker doesnt know that those dogs were actually protecting their owner from danger or danger to themself and more of what i found on this channel i saw a video of him telling that dogs dont love people and only love food THATS NOT TRUE EAITHER MY DOG LOVES ME AND WHEN I CRY HE CRIES AND COMFORTS MEH (i gtg i will type more tomarrow)
13.05.2020 22:06
Linkthose stupid haters dont know anything about dogs and they actually think that all dogs are evil and are monsters those people and the channel is a fricking demon