newest controversy?
05.12.2019 17:29
Linkwhy you ask?
simply put it's because magenta is a combination of red and purple but on the visible light spectrum purple and red never touch and thus don't mix so they have no fusion our brains you make magenta up as a place holder because there is no color there to see. This is similar to how we only see true red, green and blue because those are the only color receptors our eyes have. We know that yellow exists because we know the wavelength, but we can't ever see yellow for what it isn't real. Unlike magenta, yellow is real, it has a wavelength. But magenta was never real to begin with.
Look it up you turds.
05.12.2019 19:07
Linki dont like you.
06.12.2019 15:02
Linkyou dont have to but at least i know my colors
and i beat you on that quizizz