04.10.2021 18:04
LinkA)You were just walking around town for whatever reason until you saw this girl on a leesh.She was just standing there looking like the saddest person on earth and then she noticed you.She started giving you the puppy eye look and you felt bad for her.You untied the leesh from a nearby pole and she suddenly picked you up(no matter your size)and started running off yelling"FREEDOMMMMMM!!"she started running through the street just barely missing cars that were passing by.After that some other kids who looked her age walked out of a building and yelled for her to stop-it made sense why she was on a leesh-this girl was crazy-

04.10.2021 18:06
LinkB)Your oc was walking through a cornfeild maze just for fun and to see if you could make it out.After a while of wandering you realized you were lost.The corn was too tall to see over or reach and you were the only person there..or so you thought.you kept walking,trying to find a way out before it got dark and cold.After a while you heard footsteps coming from behind you but everytime you looked back there was nobody to be seen.After a little bit more of walking you suddenly felt a hand tightly grab you shoulder and yell"H E L L O T H E R E H U M A N"