Unicorn,EarthPony,Or Pegasus?


10.05.2018 18:39
LinkEarth cause i may have to do hard work but it’s keeping things simple

10.05.2018 19:17
LinkYes! Indeed the life of an earth pony may be simple. But we have the burden of the fields and keeping crops growing

Unicorn! That way i don't have to deal with whatever that wing thing is (is it a pegasus erection idk) and i can still fly (starlight) and can pick stuff up

Well, if you want to be technical, unicorn magic is limited. (basing in off the actually My little pony friendship is magic) Unicorns can only lift things up to a certain altitude and its exhausting to do so. This also depends on the weight of the object or you if you plan on using magic to "fly" unless you use a spell. But even then the spell will ware off in time.
And the wing thingy and a representation of a pegasus wing.