- create flipbook animations online!
28.01.2021 20:10
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So me and a group of people are working on a hentai, and I need a female VA.
28.01.2021 20:10
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You would play the role of a goddess who watches/stalks the MC.
28.01.2021 20:11
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I have the script my friend wrote if you want to read it-
28.01.2021 20:12
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Story by Yoon Kok Keong , aka SALT Sunshine. Bright blue sky. Green mountain that drapes the scenery. A small mountain village where its inhabitant is happily going after their daily life. But then, today, it seem to be busier than ever. Everyone is preparing for a festival. Kids are running around, happy while the adults are all hands on deck, getting everything to run on time, making sure that they left nothing out undone. And from a distance, a young woman watches this whole scene unfolds with joy in her heart.... A dark room, litted only by the computer screen. The room is decorated with anime figurines and also posters of few husbando. Empty cup noodles and bottles are strewn at the corner where the bin is. A young woman, her eyes glued to the computer screen and headphones over her ears. There is definitely activity outside her room but she totally ignores it. "Hmm..." she hums to herself as she watches some funny vidoe over the net, "I wonder...how is he doing today?" She paused the video and ...
28.01.2021 20:13
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... minimized it. Moving the cursor over the screen, she clicked on a video icon. The display pops out and a live stream plays before her. "Oh...it seems he's having a busy day..." The life stream is recording a young man working in a ramen shop. The young woman's hand reaches into the bag of chips. She munches on it as she watches how this young man goes on with his daily life, working in the ramen shop. Inside her room, the young woman can hear the sound of door closing. "Is Otohime inside her room?" says a man's voice. "Yes, dear. She's in her room, as usual." "Hmmph! Honestly, what happened to her? She used to be such a wonderful goddess. Now? Even her younger siblings are doing a much better job than her!" Despite she being on her headphone, those bitter cold words still pierces her ears and heart. "I mean, look at Shirayuki. She's just ...
28.01.2021 20:14
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... joined the workforce and already she start to gain worshippers. I haven't even compare Otohime to..." "Please, dear...she can hear it from her room..." Otohime just bites her lips bitterly. She grips her fists tightly in anger. Later that night, as everyone is asleep...Otohime who's still awake is hugging the computer screen. She got up. "Enough..." she mumbles to herself, "I had enough..." "*Yawn*...what a day..." says the young man as he walks alone, heading back to his apartment. He slots in his key and opens the door. He puts down his bag and sat down by the small table. "Bills, ads, loans..." He sorts out the mail from the junk and sets them aside. After that, quickly he went for a shower. Slurping on some ramen in a cup, he watches the late night news to keep up with the latest news. After done with the ramen, he got up, brush his teeth and hit the sack. It is after all a very tiring day for him.
28.01.2021 20:14
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Morning. The young man grunted as the light hits his face. Slowly he opened his heavy eyes. His view is blurry. He can feel small, gentle breathing in front of his face. A smell he's not accustomed to. Sweet, nice, fragrant. A heaviness on his bed that he never felt before. Otohime is sleeping next to him. "Must be a dream..." He went back to sleep. The alarm rang. He hits the button to disable it. He got up and stretches his hands high up. "What a good dream!" he says to himself. But then, the reality of a young woman spooning him on his bed doesn't fade away. "Who...is she..." That question sends much fear through his mind and body that he begins to tremble. "Think, Ikari, think. I did not go out for a drink so no way I manage to bag a girl this cute back. Even if I did go out for a drink there is still no way I will bag a girl this cute back!!!" Otohime grunted. She got up and rubbed her teary eyes. "Good..." Before she can even finish her lines, Ikari instantly distance himself ...
28.01.2021 20:15
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... from Otohime. "Wh....whoo...who are you? How did you end up in my bed? Did I brought you back after I got you all drunk?" "Calm down. I..." Ikari broke down. "Oh no, oh no. I'm doomed! Definitely she will cry rape...and I'm gonna get jailed. My life is definitely going down the drain!" Otohime takes the initiative and pins down Ikari. "Keep quiet, or else I will cry rape. You definitely don't want that to happen, right?" Ikari shakes his head. Otohime sighes. "Okay, now that I got you attention. No, you did not take advantage of my by getting me drunk. You did not go out and drink last night. I did not follow you back from any bar." That calms down Ikari a lot. "So...who are you?" "Now. That's a good question. A very good one." Otohime lies next to Ikari, spooning him again. "I'm someone who's very interested in you." says Otohime as her hand runs over Ikari's chest. "Bu...but why? I ...
28.01.2021 20:15
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mean...I'm not that great looking. I'm not rich, not smart. So why a guy like me?" "Do I really need a reason for it?" "Not really but one would be great." Otohime pouts. She then looked into Ikari's eyes. "Okay. I like you for your big dick." That had Ikari taken aback. "Wh...what sort of reason is that! And how do you know if I have a big one or small one!!!" "Well, I stalks you so I definitely know what's your size is. Or...are you saying that you have a small one?" she teases while staring down at his crotch. "Stop looking at me like that!" Otohime can't help but laughes at him.
28.01.2021 20:16
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"Say...I bet you never use it before, right?" she teases. Ikari just quietly sat there, blushing red from the teasing. "You're a virgin, right? Cause as far as I know, since day one I stalk you, I never see you going out with any other girls." Feeling a bit pushed, Ikari retaliated. "What do you know? For all you know I have been sleeping around with lots of other girls before you started to stalk me? Seeing I have a big dick many girls must have like to do it with me!" he boasted. "Oh, really? Then show me." There is a moment of silence between them. "Sh...show you?" Ikari asks. Otohime nods her head. "How...how am I to show you? If I'm to show you, it means I'm to have sex with you." Ikari replies. He can barely keep himself straight. "Well, then have sex with me." says Otohime she pulls her yukata a bit, revealing her clevage in a teasing manner. Ikari drops his head in ...
28.01.2021 20:16
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... defeat. "Okay. You got me. I'm a virgin loser. I never had a girlfriend before, so much as having sex..." "Never even hold a girl's hand?" Otohime asks. "No. So stop teasing me." "What if...what if I never teased you?" Ikari looked at her, puzzled. "What if I really mean it? Show me. Have sex with me." Otohime went up close to Ikari's ear. Her left hand slowly carasses on his thigh. "After all...I did give you the reason I like you." she whispers, "It may not be the best reason, but it should suffice for now?" She then proceed to gently blow into Ikari's ear, greatly arousing him. Otohime took notice how her actions bear fruit as a very obvious bulge stood out below Ikari's waist. Her finger slowly move up from his waist to the bulge, gently playing with the tip of it. Just touching, carassing, nothing serious yet.
28.01.2021 20:17
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"So...do you want me to play with it?" Swallowing his saliva down along with his pride, Ikari nods his head. Otohime pulls down his pajama pants and out flops his erect *****. With her soft hand she slowly gives Ikari a handjob. "To be honest, I have no experience in this sort of things. If it wasn't for all those ero-game I've been playing..." Otohime thinks to herself as she looked at how Ikari is immersed in pleasure from just her handjob, "...I bet I can't make him feel good." While Ikari is having a good time, Otohime is not satisfied. She stopped. "Is...everything okay?" asks Ikari as he was puzzled by Otohime's sudden move. Otohime got up and turned her back towards Ikari. In one fluid move, Otohime's yukata flows down from her shoulder, unveiling a body truly belongs to a goddess. Staring at her only serves to make Ikari even more aroused. "I think we should advance a bit more, right?" Otohime teases as she slowly turns around, revealing herself fully before Ikari. "Bu...but...I have no ...
28.01.2021 20:17
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... experience...in such thing..." says Ikari all scared as Otohime slowly approaches him. "Don't worry. I'll guide you, okay?" Otohime assures him. She hold onto his right hand, slowly guiding it towards her breast. "Touch it. Feel it." Ikari can't believe it. It felt soft, yet firm and tender at the same time. "I...I only seen this in porn..." says Ikari as he stares intently at Otohime's breast while slowly touching it as if it is an alien matter. Otohime can't help but giggle at Ikari a bit, at how he being so mesmerized by a simple thing. Suddenly, Otohime did something that totally took Ikari by surprise. She pulls his face towards her breasts. "So, how does it feel? Nice?" she asks as she rubs her breasts all over Ikari's face. After a short while, she pulls away from Ikari who almost ...
28.01.2021 20:17
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suffocated under those breasts. "I...I almost die..." says Ikari as he tries to catch his breathe. "But if I did, it was worth it. To die suffocated by a beautiful woman's breast...worth it." Ikari buries his face once more into Otohime's breasts. "Please, let me experience that feeling once more!" he begs. "Sure." Otohime replies. She gently pats Ikari's head as he rubs his face all over her breasts, drowning himself in a sensation he once could only long for from watching porn or hentai. It is now real and in front of him. Instinctly, Ikari begin to suck on one of Otohime's breast. She lets out a soft moan as she didn't expect Ikari to make such a move. "I see that you are learning quite fast." Otohime teases. Her breathing gotten a bit heavy as Ikari switches between the ...
28.01.2021 20:18
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... two breasts. As Ikari enjoys himself, Otohime's eyes on his fully erect *****. She can't hold herself back anymore. She pushes away Ikari, onto the bed. "Let's stop here, okay?" says Otohime as she gets on top of Ikari, "We'll proceed to something more fun." She grabs hold of Ikari's ***** and slowly guide it into her vagina. "Can't believe it that I'm actually making out with him the very first day I'm with him..." Otohime thinks to herself as the tip slowly penetrates her. She too have to take it slow as this is her first time. "Not bad for my first time. Good thing those ero-game experience comes in handy." she thinks to herself. Her breathing is heavy. It takes a bit effort on her side but she manage to fit in Ikari's ***** inside her. She licked her lips a bit. "So, do you like how it feels now?" Ikari just nods his head. "Well, heads up. Things are just gonna get better."
28.01.2021 20:18
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Otohime takes the lead, starting off slow. As she moves in small motions, she starts to moan a bit. "It...kinda hurts...but..." she thinks to herself as she slowly move her hips, "...but it does feel good..." As Ikari lies there being grinded by Otohime, she takes hold of his right hand and place it on her breast. "Play with it." Ikari proceeds to fondle her breast as Otohime continues her joy ride. "This....this feels really good!" Otohime thinks to herself. Her panting gets heavier as she ups up the game. She fell on Ikari's chest and wraps her arms over him. Ikari instinctively begins to move his hip. Now he takes the role in pleasuring Otohime. "It...it feels great!" Ikari cried out as he pumps up his movements. "I know. Don't stop!" Both of them are in their own world of pleasure. "I...I'm gonna...cum..." says Ikari to which Otohime replied, "No! Don't you dare! I'm not done!" Her grip over Ikari's shoulder tightens. "I need a bit more. Hold in there! Just a bit more!" she begs. "I...I don't know how ...
28.01.2021 20:19
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... much longer I can hold..." Ikari replies. He tries his best but being first time and Otohime tightening up on him really doesn't really help much. "I can't...I'm gonna..." Ikari cummed, and cummed hard he did. The hot sensation of his semen filling up Otohime had her cumming as well. Otohime lost all strength. Her grip over Ikari's shoulder loosen up. Both of them lies there, panting heavily as they each try to catch their breathe from the heavy activity. Ikari looked at Otohime's red flushing face. He can't believe that he just had sex with such a beautiful woman. One whom he just met. One whom is...stalking him.
28.01.2021 20:19
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"To be honest...I didn't even get your name." Ikari asks. "Otohime. Just call me Otohime." "Otohime...that's a lovely name." Otohime's face blushed red. Being praised by Ikari sort of caught her off guard a bit. "it...it's just a normal name..." says Otohime as she tries to deflect the praise. "Anyway, how did you get in my place? Don't tell me you pick lock my door?" "Oh." Otohime just waves her hand and the door automatically opens. With another wave she closes the door. Ikari's eye is big from disbelief. "I just opens it like that." "How...what...why..." There is lots of question running inside Ikari's mind but he just couldn't get it out of his stammering mouth. "Actually...I'm a goddess." Otohime sheepishly answers him. "Why are you a goddess! Why would a goddess be here! Why would a goddess stalks me! Why would..." Otohime is actually amazed at the questions Ikari is barraging her. So Otohime took her time and slowly tells her part of the story. "And that's why I ran away from home and came here."
28.01.2021 20:20
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Ikari can't really believe her story. "And now I need a place to bunk." "Wait! You can't! If the landlord knows I'm keeping another teneant here I'll be screwed! Also I can't afford another mouth to feed!" Otohime is not amuzed. She waved her hand and Ikari stood still. "So...what did you say about me staying here again? Am I not welcomed?" Otohime asks with a grin. "Of course not! I would be glad to have you here in my humble abode! Stay as long as you like! Make yourself as comfortable as it is your home!" says Ikari who is obviously under mind control. Otohime waved her hand and Ikari snapped back to reality. "Wait! Did you just used your magic to make me welcome you into my apartment?" "No. You gladly invited me to stay." Otohime giggled. "Ahhh!!! I can't believe it!!! I got a stalking, mind controlling goddess staying with me!!!" Ikari cried out in despair. Yet, Otohime is very happy. "And this...is how my story begins..."-End of Chapter One.
28.01.2021 20:10
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28.01.2021 20:10
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28.01.2021 20:11
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Kono Baka!!- Using my voice for such lewd things!-
28.01.2021 20:11
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*sigh* Give me the script..
28.01.2021 20:26
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O_o well written
28.01.2021 20:27
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Agreed. I didn't write it, but I did give the outline
28.01.2021 20:27
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I don't really have a Goddess voice,,
28.01.2021 20:33
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Bullshit! Let's hear your best try:
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