t o a s t
23.06.2020 02:04
Linki like toast. toast is a very important part in our every day lives in the community. Toast can be used for any, and every, meal {EX: toasted bread, toasted garlic bread, toasted crosants, etc.} Toast caan be for adults also b/c toast can have achlomahol flavor in it. You can order toast in an airplane and in restaurnts. children dont really like toast unless in is surgary and colorful whitch is one reason that easter/food dye bread exists and than you can toast it and make it yummy with butter. toast has been a food for such a long time and has been a big part of history. thank you and my conclusion is, a toast to toast for it is every so toasted perfectly.
23.06.2020 02:06
Linkfor context, I didnt have any wifi on the drive home and i wrote this in the google search bar and I copied it and pasted here