

09.12.2019 01:11
Linkbut like, I dont like doing it unprompted cause I dont wanna annoy people. and also it just,feels really nice to have someone ask about them jfjgjgjj

hey uh
what the hecc is the story behind the opossum in Wiins' microwave
i mean i support the bone quest i just need context

man its so hard to give context for that. the entire world Wiins is in is made out of context so this explanation will be unsatisfying probably but like, oops.
so, Wiins has sets of bones, scavanged from things, but not a full set all from the same animal, and a full set like that is more valuable, for selling, and for using in shit like, random forest rituals.
so the body is dumped instead. also Wiins is lacking in opossum skulls anyways.

hehejrjeh I really love ranting about the world Wiins and Argyll and Percival and others are from but liek, none of it makes sense cause the world is made of **** all. its literally just all the random thoughts I have compiled into one thing.

one of the places in this world is a place called Student Bodies.
its rundown school building in the middle of no where (as most things are in this world) and its just full of like, dead students. there are no living students, yet new bodies appear whenever others have fully decayed.
no one harvests from the bodies until nothing but bones is left. nothing eats the meat.
Dude I just call chomp for now hangs around there. he is not human. he is informed.
also,the amount of bodies in different places seem to follow a schedule almost like a shool. no one ever sees the bodies moove, or anyone moving them, yet they still follow the schedule.

also uh, there are no human adults. there is just like, some children who kinda just exost. there is no regular society in this world. its just kids and other beings existing up in this weird place. kids usually lice in little huts and tents and what not at the edge of forests. they make bases out of whatever seems fit. they ha e trade systems and such, and dont really have any sort of currency that is only existing just to be currency. dollar bills and stuff have been found before but the no one actually knows what the **** is up with that. they just think its weird paper or clith and little fancy metal wheels