- create flipbook animations online!
04.09.2020 04:06
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I was with my friends playing in the old house i go to everyday.it looks haunted but i don’t think so.It might be. Anyway today me and my friends saw a shadow.not just any shadow a shadow of a kid getting kidnapped. While we saw that we heard a scream.like a really loud scream.i looked to my right my friend is missing.i look to my left my other friends look at me.just then we scream in pain. It felt like i was getting ripped into pieces. It stopped then we ran away for a meeting at the treehouse.When we made it to the treehouse my best friend Natalie said”We as a team need to figure out what happened to Mayelle. Yes we do I said.just then we heard a scream than a chop. The chop was mom making dinner but what was the scream from.after we heard a.Emery began to scream. She said”help someone help! I didn’t know what to do so i slapped her. Then she snapped out of it. Then mom said”time for dinner!
04.09.2020 04:06
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I said”this is no joke we need to find her.Alyssa said”she can be in any crack or corner.Mom said what are you talking about?Natalie said we lost-i said it’s a game we came up with at school.that was close.i said thanks for dinner mom.i asked mom if i could have a sleepover she said of course.i took a shower.everyone took a shower and then we put on pajamas and got in our sleeping bags.We were deciding what to do.Natalie said”we should tell a scary story.I said”that is a bad idea. But instead they didn’t listen.Alyssa told a story about a haunted doll named fifi.she said”she killed 200 people because she was always hungry for blood.just then a doll moved then they heard a lot of screams.i said “where is the doll and why were like 200 people screaming. Then we all realized it was the scary story. Everyone turned to me and said”you were right it was a bad idea.
04.09.2020 04:07
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We decided to watch boss baby on netflix. It was quiet before i said “anyone want some snacks everyone said yes.in the kitchen i grabbed cheese its,poptarts,popcorn,and ice cream and cherries.back in my room they paused the movie and waited for me.we watched half of the movie then it glitched 9 times.it turned black and white then we heard a whisper.i got goosebumps right away.Natalie started to cry. She said”i do not feel good i feel like someone is squeezing my guts out!We all hit her in the stomach then she snapped out of it.let’s just go to sleep for now.i saidWe called emery and natalie we both said”we hear mayelle calling someone.they said”find her and call us to go to your house.we said”okay.we went to look for her we looked in trees,and behind trees finally we found a hut.we went in and we found someone taking care of her.she was alright after all! We called them and told them go to my house and she is all right. That night we had an amazing sleepover.
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