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Sloppy little karma reference
07.12.2022 06:42
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07.12.2022 07:01
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Name: Serenity (“Karma”) Marie Orquidea Age: Appears in early 20’s ( is actually several thousands years old ) Sex: Cis Female Species: Some odd Succubi and Vaxbeast mix Height: 4’10” Weight: Anywhere from high 70’s to low 90’s ( E.D. effects weight ) DOB: ( unknown actual birth date ) uses 02/06 Sexuality: Bi with a stronger preference towards men due to…instinct. Romantic qualities: Love language is physical touch and Acts of service. Personality: She’s extremely soft spoken, won’t speak up even in uncomfortable situations. Gentle and often seen as motherly. Her stutter is stemmed from childhood, often when she’s less uncomfortable it’ll have less of an impact on her speech. She does have Bi polar disorder, in between manic episodes you can’t really find a difference in her attitude because she likes to bury and problems until she snaps. During manic episodes she he’s less of a restraint towards alcohol, drugs, abusive behavior and high life sex parties. She tries all she can to make her-
07.12.2022 07:11
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head fuzzy so she can forget all about what is troubling her. Her ways down from these highs are usually interference from her Brother or close friends, other times it’s being arrested or sleeping in too much. Abilities: Magic causes a great hindrance on her body due to her being a runt, she knows little about it and can only use a couple of spells before fainting or growing Ill. Holy magic is normally seen as a horrible thing for demons to do but karma knows how to heal peoples injuries, she cannot bring people back from the dead or reverse damage, just heal it enough for the subjects body to fix itself quicker than normal. She knows a couple blessings such as short term pain immunity, or energizing bursts but not many. Her main use of her ‘demonic’ powers is very much like blood art in demon slayer, she’s able to form and crystallize her blood into large crystals or spikes. She cannot use this ability too much as it causes anemia or high fevers depending on its use.
07.12.2022 07:26
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Hobbies: Baking, Gardening, Visiting parks and taking care of her cat Benny Bio ( TW: sexual ab*se, Ab*se, Ped*philia, Death ) Born as a what was considered a ‘runt’ for her species she lived indoors for most of her beginning life, her Father was a Vaxbeast and her mother was a succubus. Before her parents got together and had her, her mother had two other children. Karmas brother and older sister. She doesn’t remember much about her older sister only that she was kind and liked to do Karma’s hair. When Karma was about three her mother died in childbirth, the baby that was born was extremely fragile and sickly and stayed inside the hospital for most of Karmas knowledge. When karma began to get stronger she was allowed to go outside more, and a new woman came into her fathers life, shortly becoming her step mom after. Karma didn’t really like either of them, and by the time she was five she was old enough to be out without her parents supervision. She didn’t complain about her brother feeling the need
07.12.2022 07:38
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To follow her around. Around six her sister died but it didn’t have much of an impact on her because she didn’t understand life and death. At Seven her Step mom’s brother came to live with the family and the cycle of abuse started. She’d do whatever her uncle told her and eventually Marks and bruises were being noticed by teachers at her school. They called her parents and asked what might be happening but they just shrugged it off and scolded the young girl, forcing her to wear long sleeves even in the hot weather. This eventually caught up to the parents when Karma collapsed one day at recess and a young boy had to tell the teacher. After that she was allowed to wear what she wished as long as she lied to the teachers about how she got the marks. The parents knew full well of what that man was doing to her and decided to profit off of it instead of trying to help her. After coming back to school Karma and the young boy named Dante became close friends and were inseparable. Dante came over for dinner often
07.12.2022 07:45
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And eventually even the poor boy was roped into her parents horrific plans. It wasn’t until Karma and Dante were caught during recess kissing eachothers cheek and expressing that they were ‘dating’ that the teachers decided to step in again. They thought children shouldn’t be talking like that. Dante expressed what he’d been seeing and doing at Karms house and the Case was open and shut. All three adults were locked up and evidence was collected. The three children we’re placed in foster care for a few years before Her brother got a job doing some pretty illegal shit and was able to get them a small apartment. Her brother paid solely for the apartment and her little brother who was in the hospital was being paid by the three adults in prison, anything they made in there went to the three kids and life went on. When karma hit high school she made it official with Dante, she was constantly being bullied and slutshamed for having a boyfriend that was a senior while she was a freshman. Until karma got out of sch
07.12.2022 07:52
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school she was horrifically abused by her lover, he made tons of videos of their intercourse posting them online without her consent. She was obviously upset about this but the page he made with photos and videos gained a large following and he’d guilt her into allowing such videos and Pictures to be taken. Dante was always doing things like this for extra cash, and his greedy need cost almost cost her her life. His abuse was getting worse and worse and karma threatened to leave him, instead he manipulated his way into inviting her for a nice dinner where it wouldn’t happen at all, making empty promises. She agreed and was in fact tricked, she was instead tied to the bed and taken advantage of while he took the eye from her skull and surgically removed her wings. He did this all. For money. He then went off and left her there bleeding for about an hour while he made the sale before letting her go and giving her some money to get on a bus and go to the hospital. When all was said and done karma was manipulated
07.12.2022 08:00
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Once again to keep him. At the time she’d just gotten out of the hospital and decided to start a small business, with the help of her parents money and the sum she’d made from selling flowers, herbs fruits and vegetables she got Dante and herself a cozy little home. Everything was perfect for a couple months when on her supposed ’21’st’ birthday she’d just gotten a glass eye and was officially discharged from physical therapy..Dante left. And he never came back..she waited for him for almost a year before deciding he just wouldn’t come back. And she started on some self love programs and started doing things she adored. She adopted a cat that she named Benny and now she’s just on her path to being better and getting healthy and happy again
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