I can't
27.03.2024 07:55
LinkOver the past 5 years I've been registered on this website, I've witnessed its really active times up until its gradual decay into nothingness and abandonment. It's very sad to see because I do love Flipanim. How could I not love it, after all, there are so many awesome and impressive artists observable just through the click of a button. The editor - simple it may be - beautifully serves as a great introduction for anyone interested in art and/or animation. I find it very hard to let go from all of that, especially knowing how this is basically my origin. I will be staying here; as inactive as I may be and watch this shipwreck slowly sink into the depths of the ocean. Anyways, how have you guys been doing? Hope you're doing well, I know I haven't been here for months, so if anybody sees this, then hello! I am still alive and doing well!
11.04.2024 23:46
LinkJust realized how sad this sounds lol. I didn't mean for it to sound this negative, sorry!