The Mission: Part 2
My Buddy Starfall-New Animator
xuggur spots a queer in june
Talking Ben.
the boy i dreamed about
10.10.2022 22:30
10.10.2022 22:34
Linkhis name is Amiri. hes an obsessive thing, once he latched onto you, its pretty much impossible to get him to leave you alone.
Amiri wants people to hate him and i don't mean he just loves it when people dislike him i mean he wants his partners to hate him. just like mr shadow.. mr shadow is an older man, much older then Amiri but, he loves mr shadow and wont leave him alone. he'll do anything for his attention even if it will harm him. he wants mr shadow. he needs him.
10.10.2022 22:35
Linki didn't get much from the dream other then the obsessive behavior and looks.
i had to figure out his name he wouldn't tell me. and mr shadow only called him 'boy' or 'shitrat'
i think hes 18-20. definitely not a child.
10.10.2022 22:35
Linkill write more soon
10.10.2022 22:48
Link(By much older i mean, early 30s late 40s.)
I don't know much about mr shadow, other then hes a grump, about 6'6 a lanky fellow. Im pretty sure mr shadow isnt really his name, more like a nickname..he has long hair tied in a bun on top of his head and he wears a lot of black.
Hes very pale almost if not, white.