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12.05.2021 19:13
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12.05.2021 19:14
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12.05.2021 19:14
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12.05.2021 19:14
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12.05.2021 19:14
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12.05.2021 19:14
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*kills a person while driving a car*
12.05.2021 19:14
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*Kils U*
12.05.2021 19:14
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12.05.2021 19:14
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12.05.2021 19:15
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12.05.2021 19:16
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Wheres Ree? •>• Cus ur here,
12.05.2021 19:17
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Ree its sleeping😳
12.05.2021 19:26
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Aaron was ignored as a child because his family was always working with their business. He failed to make very many friends, due to the fact that he is an Ultima, his father didn't want to risk him turning someone. His father even sent him to a military academy to keep him from becoming close to anyone. This all caused his gruff and introverted manor. In his early adulthood, he was still more of an introvert. It wasn't until his final year at college that he disregarded his father’s strict rules and broke free from his imprisoned life. After reconnecting with Aphmau sometime before The Big Move, he chose to make friends and be with Aphmau. This allowed him to become more outgoing and eventually have no need to wear his bandanna. Early Life According to Jeffory, Aaron transferred from a military academy during his senior year, though Aaron was and presumably still is very sensitive and secretive about his time there, as well as the fact that he went there at all, and doesn't like to talk about it. He also
12.05.2021 19:27
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seems to like coffee. Before Aaron attended Phoenix Drop High, he and Aphmau became friends through the internet while playing video games. Though they didn't know each other's real identity, they have been texting each other for a long time, it is most likely they met online sometime in the year before MyStreet Phoenix Drop High happened. His family was strict to the point of being abusive and tended to keep an eye on him by hiring agents to watch him at all times. This is proven by his mother saying "You're lucky we even let you leave for college," and his father telling him about his responsibilities and why he shouldn't be seeing people. They also say they have eyes everywhere and his mother saying they check in on the school, her exact words being "and we got a call from the school saying you left campus." Although we don't know how long this has been going on for, it has at least been long enough for Aaron to call his father "sir" and being questioned if he doesn't.
12.05.2021 19:27
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Because he was unable to turn into his werewolf form, no werewolf kids wanted to play with him. His parents never allowed him to play with other kids either. The only friend Aaron had in his childhood was Alexander, his dog. However, when walking the dog, Derek got distracted by his phone and accidentally let Alexander run away. This event only made things worse for Aaron. To keep others from finding out he was a werewolf, Aaron ate chocolate, which was toxic to him, but always vomited it up later when no one was looking. Rachel told Sylvanna in Starlight that she "never approved of that, personally," but she never did anything to help him.
12.05.2021 19:28
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His parents also have had his and his sister's lives planned out, wanting to make them part of the family business, even though Aaron has shown he doesn't like or appreciate this. When they found him at a mature age, they slowly dragged him into their business while also making sure he was isolated again, especially from Aphmau. Rachel had done so by keeping his phone away from him so he wouldn't see a text Aphmau left for him. She also had Aphmau blocked and deleted every photo of her after she heard that Aaron had some that he didn't want to lose. When Rachel was finally caught and cornered, Aaron left to be with Aphmau again.
12.05.2021 19:28
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12.05.2021 19:28
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In "I Love You, Aaron," Derek told Aphmau in that the reason he abused Aaron was to hide his Ultima powers and deep down, he regretted his decision as controlling Aaron isn't helping and that it caused him to be with Aphmau more as she helped control his powers. Despite this, Derek still continued to mistreat and yell at Aaron after that episode, refusing to consider his strategy in When Angels Fall.
12.05.2021 19:28
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At Phoenix Drop High, he is shown to be hostile, angry, and defensive at having been forced to go to a military school by his father. In "Werewolf Class", he was aggressive towards Balto, a werewolf student, with the fight intensified and Aaron throwing Balto through a window next to the desk. Aphmau detected interrupting the fight beforehand, not wanting anyone to be hurt, but Aaron expressed frustration at his actions. His hostility made Aphmau feel intimidated and he backed away. After the fight, she tries to befriend him, but this fails and she was upset and rejected his apology. They are later seen sitting next to each other in detention and Aphmau once again tries to get on more friendly terms with him, but he asks her to go away and asks what she doesn't understand about him wanting to be alone. When she says that she doesn't like being alone, he responds, saying "Just because you can't stand it doesn't mean that someone else doesn't like it. Now. Go. Away."
12.05.2021 19:29
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In the episode "Fight or Flight" Aaron's personality became quite tsundere-like, as he softens to Aphmau through the door of the school's music practice room. He plays his guitar while consoling Aphmau and helping her situation against Gene. Aaron also later in the school day destroys Gene's phone along with the picture, showing that although he's cold and hostile on the outside, he has a heart, deep down in him that he only shows to Aphmau (similar to Zane in official MyStreet). He still acts hostile to her refusing to show his softer side until later in the series. He also seems to know how to fight other people such as Gene, as it is mentioned that he has been in 5 fights so far.
12.05.2021 19:29
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In "Aaron VS Aphmau", his competitive side is viewed. During the competition, he went against Aphmau and her group but ultimately lost. The loss caused him to become more aggressive, showing displeasure when he does not win. Later in the episode, Aaron showed his deceiving side when he and Aphmau did the running competition. Once Aphmau's guard was left wide open, he ran to the finish line, leaving her speechless and furious. Later in that episode, Ivy locks Aphmau in his locker, which leads her to fall on top of him. When she did, he blushed. According to Aaron himself, this is the time he fell in love with Aphmau. In "She-Wolf", Aphmau talks to Vylad about how annoying Aaron is to her. Later, Aaron sees Aphmau as a werewolf in a maid outfit and blushes again.
12.05.2021 19:29
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n "Aaron's Friend", he thinks that the werewolf thing was fake and tries to grab Aphmau's tail and ears. When he finds out they are real, he blushes and tries to defend himself by saying that he asked if they were real and Aphmau says she didn't like the way he did. Later on that episode, we find out that Lily (his deceased wife in Minecraft Diaries) is his friend, which tends to flirt with him without his notice. She is also seen talking with him in the background of the episode "Aaron VS Aphmau". However, according to "Meeting FC", It's revealed that Lily was only using Aaron in accordance with Gene's plans. It wasn't until he realized that Aphmau was actually Shu that he had a change of heart, wanting to start over and prove that he wasn't the jerk she thought he was. When Aaron once snuck out to go to her house, Derek caught up and realized he was in a relationship. He told Aaron that they had a deal about him not socializing and threatened to send him back to military school. Derek's words eventually
12.05.2021 19:30
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caused Aaron's eyes to turn red. Instead of realizing it was his fault, Derek used this to prove a point and called Aaron unstable. Ever since then, Derek made sure that Aaron was isolated from Aphmau as much as possible, going as far as to monitor his phone. The more Derek tried however, the more Aaron wanted to be with Aphmau. Aaron was barely allowed to go to college, but he was on constant watch by people hired by Derek himself. He mostly stayed isolated in his dorm and only left for classes. This is mostly due to his father enforcing fear into him. His father also made sure that no one else stepped foot on Aaron's floor to keep him even more isolated. The lack of social activity caused his eyes to be constantly red, thus having to cover his eyes with a bandanna. The people who supervised him only saw Aaron as a monster, constantly referring to him as "it" instead of "him". They would always make sure that Aaron doesn't even have an acquaintance and will drag him away from every conversation he makes.
12.05.2021 19:31
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The very sight of them would cause his eyes to go red. Since his eyes were almost always red, Derek kept enforcing his motives. When he went to his house during spring break, Rachel caught him and sent him to his father. Derek questioned why he's home when he said he was going to stay on campus. At first, he said he was homesick, but then said he wanted to see a friend. Derek surprised Aaron when he guessed it was the same girl he brought to prom. He finally admitted that they had people watching his every movement even before college. Derek said that he knew this would happen and that he never should have let Aaron leave military school. He forbade Aaron from seeing the girl despite his pleads and said that he will be brought back to college tomorrow night.
12.05.2021 19:31
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A few days later, he woke up when Aphmau was calling him in the middle of the night. She told him about how horrible her night with Kai ended up and that she needed someone to talk to. Aaron was able to soothe her and showed that he cared a lot about her. When she fell asleep, he waited for the phone to hang up. Later, he tried to text to Aphmau but was confused when she started to say rude things to him. When things got out of hand and he started worrying, he called her phone. The call was ignored and he was told that he got Aphmau in trouble and that she never wanted to see him again. This caused great despair for Aaron as his eyes turned red. Blaze later called him and said that he needed help to fight Ein. Aaron refused and said that he was upset about Aphmau breaking up with him. Blaze said that was impossible since Ein stole her phone. Realizing that the break up was just a setup, Aaron manned up and told Blaze to meet him in the morning as he snuck out of campus.
12.05.2021 19:32
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When meeting Blaze, they came up with a plan to make Ein miss the werewolf games so he could be dethroned. Aaron told Blaze that he had to win so the title wouldn't fall to one of Ein's lackeys. Aaron then texted Ein to make it seem like he and Aphmau got together again and that she found her phone. He also said something about challenging Ein at the gym. Falling for the trap, Ein decided to ambush Aphmau in the gym and maul her. On his way to the gym, Aaron ran into several werewolf fights and put a stop to all of them. Waiting for Aphmau, Ein was instead challenged by Daniel, who was beaten to near-death until Aaron arrived. Ein called Aaron a human and told him not to interfere. Ein punched Aaron in the face, but Aaron just stood still and was not affected. Aaron then knocked Ein unconscious. Aaron then told Daniel to run as Ein woke up. As they battled, Ein had the upper hand but realized that he missed the werewolf games. Instead of surrendering, he planned to go full genocide. Aaron was enraged by Ei
12.05.2021 19:33
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ns maleficent nature as his eyes turned red and his ears popped up for the first time. He said that his eyes weren't his curse, but werewolves like Ein that make people fear their kind. Grabbing Ein by his shirt, Ein told him that he will find a way to steal back his title and keep it until graduation. Having heard enough, Aaron tossed Ein out the window to a shocked crowd. Aaron looked behind him to see Daniel in shock from seeing Aaron's ears. Aaron apologized as he tossed Daniel onto Ein's body, making it seem like Daniel defeated Ein. Aaron then picked up Aphmau's phone and put it on her old desk in werewolf class. When Aaron was leaving, he was confronted by Aphmau by complete shock. With his eyes still red, he calmed down to turn them back to normal. They started to talk, but Aaron spotted agents sent by his father to abduct him. He then grabbed Aphmau as they headed to her house. While there, Aphmau said that she knew Aaron defeated Ein, claiming that Daniel doesn't know how to fight. She also said
12.05.2021 19:34
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that she didn't want to wait for a relationship anymore, but Aaron told her that they're both not ready yet. When he is ready, he will kiss her to let her know. Sylvana suddenly barged into Aphmau's room and saw the two kissing. With her body filling with rage (she thinks Aphmau is too innocent) and her left hand picking up a chancla, Aaron quickly grabbed Aphmau as they both broke through her window and ran.
12.05.2021 19:34
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Aaron was brought to his father the next morning, telling him that he was informed of Aaron's actions. He accused Aaron of almost turning someone into a werewolf as they argued about his eyes again. Derek said that Aphmau probably forgot about him and told him to do himself a favor and forget about her. Needing to talk to Aphmau, he decided to text her when Derek left, only for Derek to grab Aaron's phone and destroy it. His father's abusive actions caused Aaron's eyes to turn red and yelled that it was just texting. Derek told Aaron that he must stop talking to her and that she'll rip his heart out. Aaron complained that she was the reason he had a heart, to begin with. All his life he was never allowed to be close to anyone or even socialize because of Derek. Derek said that Aphmau doesn't love him. Aaron said that it doesn't matter. He loves her and he always will.
12.05.2021 19:34
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Derek followed Aaron to his room and told him that he doesn't even know what love is. Aaron said that Derek didn't have to break his phone to get her out of his life. Changing the subject, Derek reminded Aaron that he snuck out of campus to go back to that school. Aaron said that he had to since it was his fault he picked a corrupt successor to be Alpha and he had to do something. Ignoring the truth, he said that Aaron went back for that girl. With Aaron saying he didn't, Derek didn't want to hear any more excuses and said that Aaron betrayed his trust while he was trying to protect him. He called Aaron a monster and said the society will always see him that way. There are things in this world he will not understand. To prove a point, Aaron said that he'll never know if Derek keeps him oblivious about it. Choosing to ignore what Aaron said, Derek again changes the subject and tells Aaron he will return to college tomorrow. He'll be putting more security up, Aaron will not be getting his phone back, and intern
12.05.2021 19:35
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-et time will be supervised until further notice. Aaron said that it was unfair. Derek agreed but said that it will teach Aaron a lesson. And if he catches him with that girl again, the consequences will be much worse. He concludes by saying he'll make sure he'll never see her again.
12.05.2021 19:35
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When he went back to college, he spotted someone waving at him and decided to go talk with them. A security agent stopped him and said that they were given direct orders from Derek to always keep an eye on him after that stunt he pulled. He complained that his father is stopping him from having a life and questions why he has to know everything he does. The agent then told Aaron to go to his dorm.
12.05.2021 19:35
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When he and Aphmau weren't able to contact each other for two years (mostly thanks to Derek), Aaron became unsocial and never really spoke. When Aphmau did arrive at his college for a week for orientation, he became completely shy and feared that his father would take him away from the school if he even spoke to her. When he did, in fact, speak to her, his dad's "friends" arrived seconds after. They were more focused on keeping Aaron isolated as they did not notice that his eyes were normal. After being rude to Aphmau, they then had Aaron escorted to his father for a "meeting".
12.05.2021 19:36
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Aight ill stop Copy-pasting the wiki
12.05.2021 20:41
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Why is there an entire story on my post XD
12.05.2021 23:41
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LMFAO thats not even half of it..
12.05.2021 20:08
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*Chops your car and sprints to the finish line* I WIN
12.05.2021 20:12
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I mean *chops all cars*
12.05.2021 20:41
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You lose
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