cutecoofee fenart :3

d r a g o n q u e e n .




Nuru Flying Test

Conch does,, stuff?
shoot the guard


05.09.2020 13:28
Linkyou didn't listen to the guard so you took out your dual silenced uzi and killed the guard,then killed both of the guards guarding the gates and the cctv.
then the guard who is sitting on the log stands up and run toward you.
right before that guard shoot you with his glock pistol,you shot that guard.
you-"your done".
as the guard with the glock pistol fell off to the river and you realized the first guard is not dead.
you-"your still alive"?
then you killed the first guard by shooting again,then you approach to the gate and you shoot the password with keycard system then the gate opens,and now as you enter in the terrain with your uzi,you saw 2 guard,1 of them which has a tactical knife and fishing while the other guard with a m16 rifle and a double barrel shotgun sleeping on a tree.
what do you do?