i dont feel well


05.03.2022 03:54
Linkoffyopic but why is absolutely everyone at my school so dry and unfunny

05.03.2022 03:57
Linkto be fair i will literally only make good friends with a person whos like a carbon coly of me but then get made cause theyre so similar to me

05.03.2022 03:59
Linkactually no i had every right to have been mad in that specific situation bro doesnt know what child abuse is you not a victim cause your mother took yo phone

05.03.2022 04:06
Linkmaybe its just cause i foundout what my trauma is called is sex trafficking and now i can go absolutely wild because thats like the worst thing ever ive literally gotten like several abortions before and this mother****er is calling his mum taking his phone away abuse i hope he dies in a ****ing hole oh my god i am shaking with agner

05.03.2022 04:08
Linkhow did this change from “people at mt school are dry and unfunny as hell” to “im glad my mum is dead and i hopw she rots for putting me theough that”