for a contest :)))


20.03.2022 03:20

20.03.2022 03:20
20.03.2022 03:23
Linkaight uh
rehdfir and it's evolutions are loosely based off of a squirrel, though rehdphlour looks like a rabbit smh
type is fire/grass
a bunch of other stuff i forgor the basic meanings to because i haven't played pokemon in years help

20.03.2022 03:24
Linkalso yes i am aware the normal coloring looks like the newer bunny pokemon that i forgot the name of
i only realized this as i was typing out the comment above this one

20.03.2022 03:26
Linkalso im 100% making shiny rehdphlour an oc of mine because i genuinely like the design i made for it

20.03.2022 03:34
Linkpokedex entries
Rehdfir: extremely timid and shy, Rehdfir usually stay behind with it's owner. When threatened, it will emit a high pitched squeal to alert any of it's kind nearby.
Rehdphlour: a rather agile and active pokemon, Rehdphlour is rarely intimidated and will not back down from a fight. In some cases, Rehdphlour has been known to start fights with other pokemon out of boredom.
Rehdscerl: usually laid back, Rehdscerl relies on it's massive size to scare off most predators since it isn't fond of fighting most of the time. When someone or something it cares about is threatened, however, Rehdscerl is extremely dangerous.
Most common ability: Hyper cutter and/or flash fire

birds are reptiles,
if you can't take my word for it here's some proof: