Pokemon Contest!!!!!


17.03.2022 00:07
LinkHiya! Pokemon Contest! It's a contest to create your OWN pokemon, with the types that I give you. You have to base your pokemon off of a real creature. You also HAVE TO draw different evolutions of that pokemon, whether they be on the same anim or made on multiple different anims. The first evolution of your pokemon HAS TO be a normal type then it will have the other type(s). You may draw up to THREE evolutions but it is only required for you to draw TWO evolutions. Extra prizes if you draw shiny version of your pokemon. You have to give your pokemon a name, list it's abilities, type, etc, somewhere on your drawing. Your submission may be an ANIMATION or a DRAWING. comment below so I can give you your pokemon types to start!
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17.03.2022 00:08
LinkContest ends April 3rd of this year 2022, just because this may take a while for some people idk lol XD

17.03.2022 00:10
LinkPLEASE: don't comment on this chain!
---I will also be participating! but my submission will not count for any of the prizes LOL---

17.03.2022 00:16
-1st: Follow {if already, 10 likes}, 30 likes, fanart, pokemon drawing OR animation request, Submission(s) will be in youtube video
-2nd: Follow {if already, 5 likes}, 20 likes, fanart with a pokemon of your choice as drawing OR animation request, Submission(s) will be in youtube Video.
-3rd: 20 likes, fanart with your favourite pokemon TYPE {I choose pokemon though}, Submission(s) will be in youtube video.
gets 5 participation likes! and ima do a collab with you all AFTER this contest with ur oc and your highest evolved pokemon you created!

17.03.2022 00:19
Linkalso its gotta be in pokemon style if you can....i forgot to mention that oops MY BAD

03.04.2022 23:46
LinkAlso if ur interested πππ there is another POke COntest

08.04.2022 00:42
LinkDate EXIENDED till the 11th

12.04.2022 03:20
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