

03.04.2023 18:52
Linkdorothy where is my fanart!!!!!!!!!!

03.04.2023 18:52
Linki made a dick pic collage in your magma did you see it?

03.04.2023 18:52
Linkplease respond

03.04.2023 18:54
Linkwho wants to see my dick pic collage i made in dorothys magma say yes

03.04.2023 18:55
LinkMaybe tomorrow. I only do one animation each day

03.04.2023 18:55
Linkoh ok cant wait

It is imprtoant to untderasnd that evreoyne has the right to exrepss their seaiulxty and be acctpeed for who they are. Kauywu, lkie any other pesron, deervses to be treated with repesct and dinigty. It is unfair for otehrs to judge or dimisnciarte agnaist someone based on their seuxal orienattion. It is also imatoprnt to rencigoze taht the poilce do not hvae the auorthity to make soemone's sexaulity ileglal. Scuh acotins are not olny unujst but also agnaist the law. As a soecity, we msut stirve torwads inucsilvity and acnaetcpce of all inauiivddls, reeaglrdss of their seuxal ortitaineon. Let us embrace dierivsty and ceealbrte the difcnreefes taht make us unqiue.