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Turn the lights off Bsd map
09.10.2020 18:52
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Heyo This is a 2 month map to give people time ;w; THIS IS A BITE SIZED DOOM MAP aka my original seires so FOLLOE THE SCRIPT! Rules 5 parts per person you have two weeks to submit ur wips you have six weeks to complete ur part! use my designs follow script have fun parts are fcfs
09.10.2020 18:52
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intro: Don’t go in there You’ll become one Freaky creatures Monster party 7 seconds 1. Eyes of yellow 1 second show artemis then fade to black *bg is black* 2 Scales and feathers 1 second show winter then fade to black *bg is black* 3 Tails and tethers 1 second show buttercup then fade to black *bg is black* 4 Turn the lights off 1 second white fading to black *bg is black* 5 Bend the nightmare You control it Artful dodger Easy does it 5 second moon sees her mom dead gun wounds to head moon runs away *forest bg* 6 Shut the closet Get under the covers Snakes and lovers Turn the lights off 5 seconds moon running bumps into artemis *forest bg* 7 Everybody likes to get taken for turns To see how bright the fire inside of us burns 12 seconds moon running while artemis chases moon lights a blue fire fade into the blue fire *black bg* 8 And everybody wants to get evil tonight But all good devils masquerade under the light 12 seconds moon still running from artemis bumps into justi
09.10.2020 18:52
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9 Here’s the pinky There’s the k#$%@ 4 seconds moon and port looking at the night sky *hill bg* 10 Everybody, complicated 4 seconds artemis looking at them from behind the trees *tree and hill bg* night time 11 Man and woman Baby child 3 seconds moon port and artemis ook at eachother *hill bg* 12 Calm and wild Turn the lights off 3 seconds port leaves *hill setting still night time* 13 Don’t remember (Day’s gone) What we look like (Night’s on) 2 seconds moon and artemis walking *forest night bg* 14 Younger holding (Day’s gone) One another (Light’s passed) 2 seconds artemis stoos walking moon looks scared *night forest bg* 15 Paper colors (Day’s gone) Dangle streaming (Night’s on) 3 seconds artemis looks at moon moons faces turn away from artemises gaze *forest night bg*
09.10.2020 18:53
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16 Tangle screaming (Light’s gone) Turn the lights off 2 seconds artemis scratches moons RIGHT eye out *forest night bg* 17 Everybody likes to get taken for turns To see how bright the fire inside of us burns 12 seconds moon walking trough a blizzard * snow covered mountin bg* 18 And everybody wants to get evil tonight But all good devils masquerade under the light 12 seconds moon meets buttercup and makes a deal *cave bg* 19 instrumental 11 seconds *buttercup showing moon a list moon looks shocked fade to black *cave bg* 20 Can’t they take it? Should be stronger 3 seconds moon walking away from the corpse of velvet on blue fire
09.10.2020 18:53
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21 Books abandoned Breathe the water 3 seconds moon walking away from the corpse of zero on blue fire *part 20 and 21 have a forest night bg* 22 Mind distracted (Bad girls) Sons and daughters (Good boys) 3 seconds moon setting three black fured pups on blue fire *forest night bg* 23 Out for slaughter (Bad guys) Turn the lights off 3 seconds moon looking at the blood on her paws then remembers her blind Right eye fade to black *forest night bg* 24 Sparkles and shines on the water (Bet you’ve got a bone to pick with me) Seeps through the cumulus brume (Bet you’ve got a bone to pick with me) 12 seconds moon underwater winter swimming around her moons eye is healed *ocean bg* 25 Tingles and tears while we’re gazing (Bet you’ve got a bone to pick with me) Vanishes soon after bedtime for good (Bet you’ve got a bone to pick with me) 10 seconds moon looks at winter winters eyes glow white fde to black *ocean bg*
09.10.2020 18:53
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26 Don’t you like it? (Day’s gone) I know I do (Night’s on) How about you? (Day’s gone) What do we know? (Light’s passed) 6 seconds justin running away from moon but gets cornered *city ally way bg* 27 Tiny patterns (Day’s gone) Hypnotizing (Night’s on) Terrorizing (Light’s gone) Turn the lights off 6 seconds moon kills justin fade to black *city ally way bg* 28 Everybody likes to get taken for turns To see how bright the fire inside of us burns 12 seconds moon and port walking in the woods when suddently a forest fire *forest bg* 29 And everybody wants to get evil tonight But all good devils masquerade under the light 20 seconds port flys away and artemis comes out of the trees moon looks mad *forest fire bg* 30 Chroma diamonds Twinkle brightly Dance in darkness Blow the nights off Sleepy child Spark desire Walk the fire 13 seconds moon jumps at artemis and kills her fade to black *forest fire bg*
09.10.2020 18:54
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Map Designs -> Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJTzllppthA&t=178s My parts: intro 7 and 22
09.10.2020 19:17
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and 25
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