Happy Valentines Day!


Venerum Wazowski

Request #2 Cocoadoggo45

Im busy

I was bored (and hungry XD)

Civil Rights
Methods Made Manifest


30.07.2020 00:18

I'll briefly break character a second time to make a fun note: A lot of my animations break flipanim in silly ways. It might not be super obvious what method I am using, but it consists of a LOT of writing and rewriting over a single frame with 5 frames of data. Because Flip saves every move made in each layer (including when you copy them into a NEW layer), my single top layer is exponentially growing in complexity. The entire second half of my recent "Proof Of Concept" animations are unviewable until I post them, so I have a hard time ensuring what I have programmed them to do is actually occuring (other than just trusting the process!). An easy fix for this on FA's side would be to make it to where every time you copy one layer onto another it copies it as an image instead of as the entire layer and all previous moves whole sale. This would remove some functionality, BUT my testing has shown me that this is where the bulk of Flipanims buffer overflow issues come from and would improve site performance