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Howl’s Back story I guess...
21.09.2020 00:03
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When Howl was little he was the only one that survived in his litter Howl’s mom, Amber slowly went insane screaming at yelling at everyone. She kept saying that Howl murdered his siblings, that it was all his fault. As punishment Amber cut of Howl’s ears. To remind him of the terrible things he had done. I couple years later and Amber’s insanity had increased a lot. His father moved away from them, he tried taking Howl with him but Amber pulled a knife on him and told him to leave. Howl spent most of his time out of the house he started to wear a skull mask in hopes of protecting his face from any more injuries. A couple years later Amber often talked about how people couldn’t Jude her if they didn’t see what she had done she said not even the spirits could Judge her they didn’t know what she did the then finally killed Howl.
21.09.2020 00:03
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He found himself in a strange place far from home there was a spirit there as well. He spoke bearily loud enough to hear. “You are young do young to die yet... you’ll take my place instead... you must guard the resting place of the dead and their spirits... you’ll return home but you won’t be alive... good luck young one” Howl returned to the city he lived in but at the very edge he was facing a cemetery. He felt a little dizzy after the strange encounter. Manny years past and he continued to fulfill his purpose. The spirits would come to him to see if where they’d be going in the afterlife. He was preparing for the next spirit to come any second now.
21.09.2020 00:04
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The spirit that he saw was his Mother! She had died and was coming to be judged she didn’t seam to recognize Howl. He looked at her hard. “Ma’am” he said, “do to all of the treason in your past life you will not be returning to the palace above.” Amber was about to yell back a response about how she was a good person when she looked into Howl’s eyes she instantly knew who he was. “Do I make my self clear?” He let out a low growl. Amber din’t know what to say. “W-why are you here?” She said nervously. He smiled oh it’s a pretty old job but we can’t talk for long good bye. She disappeared suddenly. Howl felt a lot better after that incident and continued his work as the protector.
21.09.2020 01:57
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Cool sis
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