- create flipbook animations online!
BLM? K, but do you mean that??
14.07.2021 20:40
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So first off… before I say anything on this month’s topic, please read this post ---> They most likely will have said it a lot better than me, cause I’m not exactly the best at speaking my mind and getting my point across. Plus, I’m definitely not an expert on this topic, cause I’ve never understood it or really got into it… If I say anything that seems incorrect, I apologize in advance, cause again, I’m not good on this topic!
14.07.2021 20:40
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Alright… new month, a new reason for FA to go up in flames for whatever reason! Let’s see what’s up today… Oh, BLM? Haven’t seen that trend since last year. Wonder what happened to it. White kids suddenly caring about BLM… BLM just being a trend… Alright alright, I see you sis.
14.07.2021 20:41
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Okay, now let’s get started! BLM is a movement that started back in 2013. The murder of George Flyod was when I started paying the most attention, back in 2020. It definitely started up a lot of trouble and from then on it just became a gas being poured on an already big flame. BLM, or Black Lives Matter if you will, was a movement to support all black lives and proving (from my point of view) that this has gone on for TOO LONG. It was an amazing movement that I’ll always support as a black person myself, but it wasn’t something we talked about amongst family unless it just suddenly… came up.
14.07.2021 20:41
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I’ll get one thing straight here… Black lives do indeed matter… but do you really believe that? What so a bunch of white people started saying it and now you’re just tagging along, huh? Do you truly, actually believe what is being said, or are you going along on a train ride that you seemingly don’t know where it leads…? Of course you’d say “Yeah I do! BLM for life!!” but… haven’t they always…? Suddenly a bunch of people start talking about it and NOW you notice..? Don’t just repeat what others say cause it sounds right! Do what’s right because it’s right!
14.07.2021 20:41
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A good point that was made with this post by the way ---> “Please boost this post and start adding black folk to your stories.” As a black person myself… I will always be disappointed in myself for not drawing and making more black characters in my stories. My father has mentioned it a few times as well, and since then I’ve been working on drawing more black characters as often as I can, whether they’re in the background or a main character, I want to get better at that, cause it’s true..!
14.07.2021 20:41
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I don’t want to be recognized as a trend, people. I want to be recognized as a human being who has emotions, who has a life, who has a story that deserves to be told. School is actually a really good example of this! We hear history about all the presidents… how America first began and all… but what about the natives? What about OUR story, huh? Why do we get to hear THEIR side of the book? We were part of history as well, SO TELL OUR STORY!
14.07.2021 20:41
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I really don’t have a lot to say about this, but it’s definitely not something to take lightly. It’s something to go down to the grandchildren, the great grands, and beyond. You understand? Black Lives DO matter… but if you’re gonna say it, say it with heart, and believe it, don’t just repeat and repeat til it’s no longer a big deal… Repeat and repeat till we all agree, we’re all equal, and till black lives are no longer at stake.
14.07.2021 20:41
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ALRIGHT ALRIGHT! Now that I’ve said my piece and made my point, remember that this is all from MY POINT OF VIEW! I have never in my life been mistreated because of the color of my skin. I’m stating my opinion on the matter, and not taking any personal experiences into count, cause I don’t really have any! If you have ANYTHING AT ALL to say about this matter, add to it, agree or disagree… please be RESPECTFUL in what you say, and don’t go at it at the maybe few people that go off about “BLM DON’T MATTER! *SLUR SLUR* BLAAH!” leave them to their entitlement… it’s not worth either of our time. With that being said, have a great day and thank you for reading!
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