hehe. . .


27.05.2021 09:44
Linkever just go through all ur art work and see all the comments one of ur best friends
someone who has known u for 2-3 years and never left ur side and knew u better than anyone's
commented on almost all of ur beginning posts
then u realize
u cant say anything to them about the memories
because they arent their anymore
because are working on themselves and they had to defriend u to do so
and so u just start crying
as ur going through all the posts u made of each other and u made of that friend

27.05.2021 09:46
Linkisnt it nice
having that one person
who understood u
and u realize how selfish u r
for blaming urself and being upset at them
when it was just u two who drifted apart

27.05.2021 09:47
Linkand then u have all the other friends who start leaving aswell
and u realize no matter what we said about staying together to adulthood
it was never going to happen

27.05.2021 09:48
Linkand you will be alone again
and the only one who didn't grow up in the group