

12.05.2020 14:43
LinkOh my lord this is so adorable and wholesome

12.05.2020 14:43
LinkEee thank you c":

12.05.2020 14:47
LinkI'm sorry for typing above your comment and I hope you feel better soon, doodling can be good to de-stress and c h i l l.

12.05.2020 14:51
LinkAh you don't have to apologise, fren, it's no big deal ΓΊvu`;
Also thanku, I appreciate your words of care. Doodling this has helped me feel better, so there's that ΓΊ wu` And also you being around is always a pleasure uwu
Might I ask, have you been, dear friendo? :>

12.05.2020 14:57
LinkAwe thank you, it's honestly the same for you. Whenever I see you are online it cheers me up as you are such a great person :D
And I'm doing okay! I've been playing on acnh and messing around on botw - today I fought 3 moldugas and got a new horse :')
Also I see you got discord, I sent you a friend request ^^ I don't think you are active on it though but I thought I'd tell you incase you were wondering who it was who sent you one
How have you been recently?

12.05.2020 15:07
LinkEee you're so kind and sweet, yo qvq
Ooh that's awesome! I've actually yet to encounter a molduga yet in botw ovo; Also, yesss acnh uwu I've been hoping to someday get the game to I can join in on the fun, tho since that time has yet to come, I've just settled for Wild World on my DS ΓΊvu`
Ah, about discord, I kinda just opened it up on my laptop out of curiosity, but bailed out immediately out of sudden anxiousness TvT;; I literally dunno how discord works and haven't made a proper acc yet ovo;;
Mm, as for how I've been recently, a lil' lonely (and very unproductive with my time) ngl so for a while i was a bowl of upsetti spaghetti, but I've gotten better, as I got more productive with hw yesterday, and I shall say again, talking with you never fails to brighten my day ΓΊvu`

12.05.2020 15:13
LinkAh yes the moldugas are quite fun to fight! The first few times it's kinda scary and they can look intimidating but actually they are very easy to defeat once you learn how to. Also sounds like fun, wild world was my first animal Crossing game :D
Ah I completely understand! When I got discord at first I was a bit nervous and ended up not using it for ages after making my account, the best way I could describe it is a messaging software to talk to people with similar interests to you :D You can either talk in servers (which are like group chats) or just have a conversation with just one of your friends :>
Aw sorry to hear that and I actually relate a lot. Homework has been stressing me out and I've been feeling very unproductive and have been procrastinating. Hopefully we both get some motivation to do it because I don't want to get in trouble; and I especially don't want you to get in trouble too π

12.05.2020 15:32
LinkDiscord sounds like a lotta fun :DD I'mma try make a proper account sometime soon, hopefully later today, once i've done some work
Awh, there there ;A; here, have some nice sweet and fluffy friendship pancakes ΓΊvu` made just for you uvu *boops plate of pancakes and a glass of milk in front of you* and you can have whatever you'd like to go with it UvU hope these lovely pancakes can lighten the stressful burden that homework has placed on you, and help you feel better uvu
I've actually found that watching these vlogs by Dustin Vuong on youtube has helped me feel that bit more motivated to get myself together and be more productive ΓΊwu` A couple tips from personal experience, take things one at a time, and set small goals and reward yourself when you achieve them! Maybe aim for two or three hw tasks to be done today, and maybe reward yourself for your productivity with a little play time on acnh or botw uwu These are just a couple of suggestions to hopefully perhaps help you out in your current situation

12.05.2020 15:47
LinkOoh if you do make sure to give me your discord tag so I can friend you and we can chat! >:D No pressure though, make one if you feel comfortable and after you have done your work
Dude you are so sweet aah :'') I happily accept your friendship pancakes and shall enjoy this sweet treat you have given me. You have made me less stressed and I feel a lot better, thank you for being awesome.
And thank you for the tips! That is actually some very helpful advice and I'm gonna use those to help motivate me to do my work. I really appreciate it :>

12.05.2020 15:50
LinkYee >:DD!! For sure I most definitely will ^^ You're an awesome and sweet person, I'd love to be able to chat with you more!
Anything for a dear friendo! I'm very happy to know my advice and pancakes have helped you out uwu

12.05.2020 15:55
LinkSame for you! And my discord tag is Libby#0032 for when you have made your account - just telling you incase I'm not online when you make yours and so you don't have to wait to add me :'') timezones be stinky
Yes they have helped me out a lot fren >:D

12.05.2020 16:32
LinkAh, thank you very much ^^!! and, agreed, timezones stinky u^u
Eee ^^ may i give you a hug? :> just wanna make sure you're cool widdit before jumping right in uvu it's perfectly fine if nay, i understand uvu

12.05.2020 16:39
LinkYes ofc fren! Hugs are awesome >:)

12.05.2020 16:46
*huggles for dear friendo uvu!!*

12.05.2020 16:49
Link:'' D ty for the hug fren!

12.05.2020 16:53
Link*gives you a hug back*
Hope you feel better :>

12.05.2020 16:59
LinkAhh thank you qwq! And yis, I do feel better thank you uwu
thank you very much for spending your time to talk with me, I very much appreciate it uwu,

12.05.2020 17:12
LinkAh same goes for you! It means a lot to me that someone would take time out of their day to speak to me :')

12.05.2020 17:24
LinkUw U!! *one more huggle uvu*

12.05.2020 17:25
LinkIt's nu problemo! I love getting to chat with you here and there, it's a great an' lovely time uvu

My day has been feelin' pretty rough with quite the amount of pain - physical and sorta emotional too (but it's nothing to worry about so dw). I was getting pretty frustrated with some stuff as well, and unhappy with the things I draw, so I decided to just... c h i l l . Doodled a bit, and I think I like how it turned out