I got Elden Ring a month ago


27.04.2022 12:03
LinkI'm not someone who I would say games too much as someone without a job, but still in school. I play from about 3:30-6 and about 7:30-9 or 10 on a week day. I honestly wasn't even interested in Elden Ring until I saw Jacksepticeye play it which then I got it about an hour later. My little sibling wanted the game since they love the soulsborne series, I never was good at them though so I wasn't gonna do like I did bloodborne and buy it only to not play it because no. I have only played 30 minutes of bloodborne before playing Elden Ring and that was years ago so I'm clearly not experienced in these types of games. However it will be a month tomorrow since I got Elden Ring and I've put 187 hours into one character. I've also been doing raids on weekends with my new raid group on Destiny 2.

27.04.2022 12:14
LinkI also already have 5 ocs, one of which is an Omen, I have whole ass stories for these characters and I have my own rules as of why things work the way they do. I've also cried over the death of a couple of characters in game, accidentally agroed Yura and the double axe lady(I can't remember her name, but I don't care enough to look it up) which lead to me killing both of them. I still use Yura's sword which has carried me through this game due to it being twice the size of my starter sword and big bleed. My starter sword has poison mist on it so I do double sword with bleed on both and poison on left. Torrent is so necessary, I use him pretty much as much as possible and I have an item that boosts my damage while on goat horse. I am currently at the point where I have set the tree on fire, but haven't gotten the rune of death yet, mostly because big wolf scary and godskin duo. I've to my knowledge fully explored everything under Liurnia except for Caelid, but I'm working on that...slowly. I just really hate

27.04.2022 12:17
Linkthat place. I've been having a lot of fun though, it's a really good game and please don't nerf bleed, it's my only way through the game. Also I just don't use magic because ew and same with incantations. I do have 38 spells and incantations though, but haha no I'll just keep my 9 int and 50 vigor thanks