Blue dragon >:3



Angel sends u lots of love <3

Request from Catarie!


Do You Dare Enter Darkwood?


14.04.2021 03:09
Link""""The center of your being. Then the energy can evenly disperse throughout your body. Though, for some people its different."" He stopped, pointing at the top of where his sternum would be, his mid-chest, then lower where the end of the ribs would be in the middle. "If its lower, its a soul more connected to the body. Athletes, body builders, ect have low souls. middle, closest to the heart, are open minded and usually the kindest people. They are often the live savers and doctors since their minds and power are evenly matched, so they can think to save, and actually act on it. Higher is closer tot he mind. Mathematicians, scientists, people like that have souls connected to the minds"""""
its just a cool idea to me lmfao if youw ant I can go into more detail to explain

14.04.2021 03:12
Linkoh its about where a soul is lmfao